Back to Life

Free Back to Life by Mellie George

Book: Back to Life by Mellie George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mellie George
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
You are an amazing woman and if you let him in and to
the core of you, I bet he’ll be the best thing to ever happen to you.”
sighed nervously. “All I can promise is to try, okay? I’ll try being nice, but
I can’t shake this guilt I have. I lost more than just Mason, you know,” I
know. But I think if you let Liam in, you can finally begin to move past it and
heal. He might help you be the old Rory again. So, what do you say? Are you
ready to go back out there?” she asked, holding her arm out.
Let’s do it,” I said, and I followed her out the bathroom door. When we came
back out, there were two women sitting in our seats at the table. God, I can’t
even leave for five minutes without bar skanks pawing all over the guys!
Marissa looked down at her shoes, frustration and hurt in her eyes. I grabbed
her arm. “I’ll get rid of them, just go along with me, okay?”
nodded and we walked to the table. Liam’s face broke into a grin when he saw
me, but his face turned into surprise when I nudged past the skanky brunette
that was coming onto him and snaked my arm around his waist. Before I could
think, I leaned into him and kissed his scruffy cheek. “Hey, babe, sorry I took
so long in there.”
tightened his arm around me and traced his fingers along the bare skin of my
lower back. I felt goose bumps forming again. “It’s okay,” he said. Marissa
stood by Brody timidly, not knowing if she should make a move or not. I nodded
at her, but she stayed still.
shot my eyes at the woman. “Um, you’re in my seat.”
have your name on it,” the woman said, acidly.
I’ll write my name on it in your blood if you and your skeazy friend don’t get
the fuck away from my boyfriend right now.”
bitch rolled her eyes. “Please. He’s not your boyfriend. Why would he want
trash like you when he could have treasure like me?”
gripped me tighter…probably because he knew I was about to rip this girls face
off. “The only thing trashy here is you, believe me. I could smell the dumpster
road whore smell wafting off you from across the bar,” I shot back.
the show going, Liam leaned in and lightly brushed his lips across my neck,
making my heart beat faster. “Good one, babe.”
skanky woman looked over at her friend, and then back to me. “Well, if he’s
been sleeping with your tatted up ass I’m definitely not interested now. I’d
probably get an STD.”
I probably got from the toilet seat you used in the bathroom.” I looked over
and saw her friend trying to touch Brody, and fire shot through me. Brody was
always too nice of a guy to tell a woman no, but actions speak louder than
words. I was about to tell her off too when he all of a sudden stood up and
grabbed Marissa around her waist, pulling her close to him. She gasped audibly
as he grabbed her face and pulled her into a hot steamy kiss. I had to play it
cool so the women would leave, but internally I was dancing a jig at the sight
of them kissing for the first time. I could hear Liam chuckle under his breath.
her heavily made up eyes, the woman turned to her friend and said, “Let’s get
the hell out of here,” and they walked away. I took a napkin from the table and
wiped my chair before I sat back down.
wiping the herpes off the seat,” I said, and Liam laughed, releasing me. I sat
down in the chair and grinned at him. “Sorry for being so forward. You both
looked like you needed some help,” I said, thumbing over my shoulder at Brody.
I think Brody’s doing okay on his own,” he said, nodding his head in their
direction. I looked at him and hadn’t even noticed that he and Marissa were
still kissing. Making out hardcore was more like it. Liam tapped my arm, and
pointed toward the door. “Why don’t we give them some privacy?” he asked,
holding his hand out to me.
widely, I said, “Okay,” and took his hand. His

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