
Free Forever by Kamery Solomon

Book: Forever by Kamery Solomon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kamery Solomon
    Everything had been decorated for the
evening. More magical lights floated in the air, flowers of every variety were
placed randomly throughout the courtyard. The grand table had been placed in
the center of the yard in preparation for the feast. After the eating was done,
it would be removed to make room for dancing.
    “I never want to forget this, it's so
beautiful.” Emilee sighed in wonder.
    Just then, a group of both Fae and
humans came into the enclosure, laughing and sipping wine. Emilee looked at me,
    “See how the air shimmers more around
some of them? Those are Fae, The Glen recognizes them. It’s kind of a magical
‘welcome home’ so to speak.” I laughed as Emilee studied the group intently.
    “What about the humans? Do they know
where they are?”
    “They've been enchanted so they won’t
remember anything that happens tonight. They probably don't even realize what's
going on,” I explained.
    “What a shame,” she said, as her gaze
returned to them.
    I smiled at her, reminding myself to
control my displays of real affection—any sign of actual love between species
would get us in trouble—and took her hand again, leading her to the table. The
other Fae began to bring their guests over as well, while the food began to appear
before us.
    “Oh, good,” Emilee giggled. “I was
worried that you were going to eat all of us,” she teased.
    “Not for dinner. Dessert,” I teased in
return. “We always save the sweetest for last.”
    “I do believe that is the corniest thing
I’ve ever heard you say!” She laughed loudly, causing many heads to turn our
direction, and she blushed furiously while I laughed at her expense.
    When everyone was seated, our attention
was turned to the stone staircase as the Mother cleared her throat.
    “Oh my goodness!” Emilee breathed.
“She's beautiful! And look at her wings!” She spent a moment examining the
light blue dress Mother was wearing and looking at her pointy ears, as well as
the pale-pink, silky wings. “Wait, why is she not human?”
    “Mother's forfeit their right to become
human. They serve as a constant authority figure, no matter what,” I whispered.
    “Welcome, my children and guests!”
Mother exclaimed, spreading her arms wide in greeting.
    “Tonight we dine, dance, and love.
Tomorrow is a new day, one whose plans we can never foretell. Let us enjoy
ourselves as we celebrate the coming of Midsummer’s Day!” Her speech was
followed by loud cheers and raising of glasses as she came down the steps and
sat at the head of the table. As soon as she finished her first bite of the
meal, the rest of us began ours.
    Emilee and I were silent, listening to
the conversations around us, only needing each other’s smiles as we ate. Every
now and then, when I couldn’t keep my emotions in check any longer, I would
reach over and grab her hand, stroking it gently with my thumb. I could tell
she was thoroughly enjoying herself, her eyes wide with excitement as she took
everything in.
    The meal ended and the table was
removed. A throne was brought out and placed on the center of the steps for the
Mother, as a band came out and set themselves up to the right side of her on
the rest of the stairs.
    The dancing began once Mother was
seated. The physical fire I felt in Emilee’s dreams burned with a new and
increased intensity as I took her in my arms and began the waltz. I couldn't
take my eyes off her; she was so beautiful, out shining any other woman there.
It was all I could do not to rip the recently-dawned dance masks from our faces
and ravage her right there.
    “I love you,” I whispered into her ear,
pulling her unceremoniously closer to me.
    “I love you, too,” she sighed in utter
contentment, holding onto me tightly. She rested her head on my chest and
closed her eyes. We nearly missed the end of the music, but managed to stop our
dance in time to applaud with the crowd. The Mother’s eye’s momentarily made

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