Saving Sarah
anymore. You treat Sarah with respect, or I’ll make you. Don’t use the bond we all have together as some excuse to fuck her any chance you get.”
    Gavin instantly slammed his fist into Devon’s face. “For one, quit calling me city boy, I have a fucking name. It’s Gavin. And for your information, I’m not using the tie we all have as an excuse to get some ass like you think. I have control. If you didn’t notice from her scent, she wanted both of us. I was just trying to please her. That’s what caring for someone is all about. Do you seriously think I’d want to pleasure her in front of you! Hell no. But I will if it makes her happy.
    “And another thing, Devon,” Gavin said, spitting out his name. “Just so you know, I feel what Sarah feels. She wants so badly to forgive you and move things along, but you’re going to end up ruining it for all of us. You’re cocky, arrogant, and you think you know what she wants. I’ve known her for a fraction of the time you have, and I can see you know nothing of what makes Sarah the person she is.”
    Devon rubbed his jaw and stared at the younger man in stunned silence. The urge to knock this punk on his ass was strong, but the truth Gavin spoke hit him like a brick.
    “She wants to forgive me?”
    Gavin took a step back and breathed heavily. “She loves you more than you’ll ever know. But you hurt her badly. I felt it the night we met. Sarah’s damaged inside, but I think if we work on it together, we’ll be able to mend what you broke.”
      Devon wasn’t sure what to think. The last thing he wanted to do involved sharing Sarah, but was that what she really wanted? And would he be able to actually go through with it?”

Chapter 10

    All day, Gavin watched the hours painfully tick away. Sarah expected them over in fifteen minutes, and it felt like there were hours to go. Being separated from her all day quickly became torture after the first ninety minutes. Without the mark in place, he’d continue to feel this way. How much time would go by before they all could agree and he and Devon could tie her to them forever?
    The tall cowboy continued to pace, although today he didn’t look much like a cowboy. He wore tight wranglers and boots, but instead of the hat or western shirt he had worn in the past, he now sported a tucked in white T-shirt.
      As Devon tried to control his nervousness, Gavin studied his frame. All alphas usually were wide, but the height was new. The tallest alpha he’d seen was Ayden, and he was only an inch shorter than the cowboy. But Devon’s six foot five inch height made Gavin feel small, and he was six feet two inches.
    “Hey, Devon, sit down. You’re making me nervous.”
    A glare was directed at him, but Devon listened. “Hell, I am nervous. This little plan you came up with better work. I don’t like it, but if it’ll make Sarah happy, then I want to try.”
    “It’ll work. Just remember, I’m doing this for all of us. If I find out you’re trying to take Sarah away from me somehow, past alpha or not, I will kick your ass.”
    Devon laughed. “Gavin, if Sarah wants you, then nothing I try is going to be able to change the pull or her mind. I’m not sure which one is stronger. When Sarah wants something, she gets it. You’ll see.”
    “Do you know how hard this is going to be for me? Leaving her alone with you is bad enough, but leaving her period is the hardest. I’ve missed her all day. Now, I finally get to see her at dinner and then I’m gone. I don’t like it, but it’s the only way I know to move things forward. You set us back. Everything was fine until you freaked out this morning.”
    “Okay, shit! I’ve heard this all day. Enough, already.”
    Gavin looked at the clock and sighed. Ten more minutes and he’d finally be able to see her. Devon started to stand, but the look he gave him had Devon rolling his eyes and leaning forward instead. Damn, the day lingered on forever, and now he’d be alone

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