Saving Sarah
with his thumb. “Are you okay?”
    Was she okay? Fuck no, she wasn’t okay. One minute she was confused, and the next, she was ready to pledge her undying love to the one man she thought she’d never forgive. That shit wasn’t normal.
    “Yes, I’m fine. He didn’t do anything besides bang my door down, but you shouldn’t have gone after him. It could have been dangerous.”
    “You let me worry about danger. I’m just glad you’re all right. If I wouldn’t have heard the loud knocking…” Devon tensed against her. He held her tighter, resting his head down on hers.
    Recalling the banging, Sarah looked at her door. “Now how in the hell am I supposed to explain that to the manager? She’s going to flip. I think he broke the frame.”
    Devon looked at her, shocked. “Someone tried to break into your house, and you’re worried about the damn door? Sarah, you could have been hurt. You have no idea who that guy was. He could have been a murderer, a rapist. Do you know how lucky you are?”
    Turning to Gavin, she wasn’t sure what to say. Devon didn’t give her time to do anything. “Gavin, do you know something you’re not telling me? You both are looking at each other like you’re hiding something.”
    “We’re not hiding anything. Sarah told me she knows who it is.”
    “Well, who the hell is it then?”
    Confused on how to start, she quickly pulled away and sat down on the couch. “If you fix my door, I’ll tell you everything, the whole story. You’re both going to find out anyway.”
    “Wait, there’s more? I thought he was just some random guy you saw once and brushed off. Isn’t that what you said?”
    She looked at Gavin, twisting her mouth. “Yes, that’s what I said, and it’s true, but there’s more to it than just that. If you at least try to fix my door, I’ll tell you. I don’t like it being open. I feel exposed.”
    Her ex sniffed the air, and a smile began to appear on his face. The look he gave her caused Sarah to roll her eyes. She knew what was coming.
    “Hey, is something burning?” Devon walked into the kitchen and laughed.
    “You know very well I could never cook. I might have left it in there too long, and well, I missed the part in the instructions where it said you had to baste every thirty minutes. I plan to do better tomorrow.”
    “Pizza it is,” Gavin said, rubbing his hands together.
    “Pizza sounds perfect. I’m just going to go change. When my door’s fixed, I’ll explain.”
    Gavin lifted the door easily and nodded to her. “Sounds good to me. The frame’s not broken. I’ll have it fixed before you get back. Devon, go get me some tools.”
    Sarah shut her bedroom door and sat on the bed, trying to collect her thoughts. What Tom had done truly scared the shit out of her. What in the hell was he doing, or more importantly, planning to do? Chills raced down her body as she rubbed her arms. She knew he’d been upset, but to go as far as breaking down her door was too much. It was time to call Stephen.
    Picking up her house phone from the bedside table, she called Evelyn. Two rings went by until she answered. “Hey, Sarah, what’s up?”
    “Ev, I need you to send Stephen over.”
    “What’s happened?” Evelyn’s voice deepened at her concern.
    “Tom broke down my door. Devon ran after him, but he got away.”
    A large intake of breath echoed over the phone. “Shit, we’re on our way.”
    “Thanks, Ev.”
    Sarah hung up and walked over to her closet grabbing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Her hands were shaking so badly, buttoning the pants was almost impossible. All the information she was about to tell the guys would either break their building relationship or put a huge dent in it. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how they would take things.
    The sound of a drill made her jump. Anxiously, Sarah paced the floor trying to buy some time, but she knew she needed to get this out before Evelyn and Stephen showed up. How in the world could she

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