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only reason why anyone would brave that kind of  weather was because they thought they were on some holy mission,  Nick would have a fair amount of warning.

Mated to the Wild Omega                      61

    “After Nick’s time is done, then I’m going on rotation so he can  sleep a little, then him again, and then me, until the sun rises and we  can leave. You’ll always be protected, so you can sleep easy tonight.”
    Terry frowned at him. “I’ve been taking care of myself for weeks  now. I can stand watch, too.”
    Morgan wasn’t sure he liked the idea of an untrained omega having his back. “I think you should sleep. I doubt you’ve had a good night’s sleep since your attack, and it’ll be better if you’re at a hundred percent for the trip tomorrow. With the snow to hinder us, we’re looking at a three- or four-hour journey.”
    Terry kept right on frowning at him, and Morgan braced himself for another argument, but then the other man turned over in bed and pulled one of the pillows close.
    Morgan was too new to being in a relationship. That was what being mated was, right? He was officially…well, married, as far as other werewolves were concerned.
    That didn’t mean their status as being together, well, in a relationship, was bulletproof. Morgan could still fuck up in such a way that could cause the other man to decide he just didn’t want to be with him.
    Morgan didn’t want that.
    He wasn’t sure what sort of reaction he expected when he climbed into bed with Terry. Aside from being new to this mating thing, he was new to relationships in general. It had always been sex before. He never had to worry if his partner was angry with him for something.  And if his current fling had been giving him the cold shoulder for whatever reason, well, it had been a simple matter of moving on.
    He reached out and touched Terry’s shoulder. At first the smaller man didn’t move, and Morgan’s heart lurched.
    No. He wanted this to work, damn it.
    He exhaled long and deep when Terry turned around, his hands reaching and wrapping around Morgan’s waist, and they came together easily.

    62                            Marcy Jacks
    “Mad at me?”
    “Yes,” Terry said.
    Morgan would have winced, but Terry’s voice didn’t hold any  anger in it. It was almost as though he were stating a fact, rather than  saying it just to make Morgan feel guilty.
    “But, I am glad that you want to keep me safe. I don’t remember  anyone wanting to do that the same way you do.”
    “Not anyone in your pack?” Morgan asked, curious now.
    What if Terry had had a lover before the hunters had come and all  but wiped out his pack?
    Terry shook his head. “The alphas kept us safe, for the most part.  Everything was always okay. There was never anything to worry  about. I can’t remember the last time hunters attacked us, before…”
    Morgan rubbed the back of Terry’s head. “You don’t have to talk about it right now. I promise I’ll be here when you want to, though.”
    Terry squeezed him tightly, snuggling closer, if that was at all possible considering they were already to pressed up against each other.
    It was then that Morgan had a thought, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was right.
    Before this morning when he’d taken Terry and completed their connection, Terry had been a virgin. It was so obvious to him now that he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before.
    This wild innocence that he carried with him, even after seeing such horrible things, it wasn’t a product of his animal side that simply didn’t know any better and was searching for comfort.
    Terry had been a virgin, and at twenty-three, still very child-like considering the pack he’d come from. He’d probably played video games and still goofed off with his friends while doing his chores.
    Well, there were certainly video games back at Morgan’s pack for him to play with

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