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if he wanted them. Whether he would actually revert back to that previous form, Morgan couldn’t say for sure.
    Morgan’s grim thoughts were chased away when Terry pressed

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      63

    his lips to the muscles of Morgan’s chest. His hands went from  clinging around Morgan’s waist to moving up to his shoulders. Terry  pulled himself up Morgan’s body until his mouth was kissing and  suckling on Morgan’s neck.
    His cock swelled in that instant, and he held Terry as tightly as he  could, enjoying the attention. His mate wanted him. Terry wanted  Morgan to take him.
    How could he say no?
    He looked down just as Terry reached up captured his lips. The  kiss was chaste for the first five seconds before Terry’s tongue slipped
    Morgan opened his mouth, allowing Terry inside of him.
    Terry kissed him with all the love and innocence of a virgin all right. Now that his wild side was being suppressed, he didn’t show the same desperation as before. This was going to be slow and gentle.
    His hips rocked against Morgan’s, those huge jeans he was wearing rubbing against Morgan’s pulsing dick. Christ, he needed to get them off him.
    Morgan let his hands slid down lower, until his fingers found the belt and slipped beneath them. He tried, but he couldn’t get the pants below Terry’s hips without adjusting the belt, so he abandoned that idea and started to work, quickly, on the buckle.
    The only sounds in the dark room were that of their kissing, their hard breathing through their noses, and the slight clinking sounds coming from Terry’s borrowed belt.
    Finally, Morgan managed to get the belt undone. He slid the jeans down Terry’s hips, his palms keeping contact with that warm skin as he moved down Terry’s thighs.
    Terry moaned, pulling his mouth away from Morgan and shifting his legs around until the jeans were off him completely and kicked somewhere under the covers.
    They looked at each other. Morgan’s night vision had kicked in,
    and he could see the eagerness, and shyness, in Terry’s eyes.

    64                            Marcy Jacks
    This was Terry’s real first time. That last time had been about instinct and mating. This time, Terry was the one in complete control of himself. He would remember everything that happened between them tonight, and if he ever spoke about his first time, this would be the event he talked about.
    Morgan was going to make sure that it was good for him in that
    They came together once more without words. Morgan’s hands went around Terry’s head, his fingers threading through his soft hair.  Terry’s hands did the same as Morgan turned his mate onto his back and rolled on top of him.
    They kissed some more, and Morgan never felt more like a teenager in all his life, considering the way his dick was begging to be touched, stroked, anything, and all he was allowing himself to do was kiss.
    “Are you nervous?” he asked.
    His thumb touched on the side of Terry’s mouth.
    Through those gorgeous, lusty eyes, underneath all that hunger,  Terry stared at him with complete and total awareness. He shook his  head. “No.”
    Morgan brought their mouths together again, a little rougher this time on his part. His entire body shivered as Terry’s legs drifted up, bending at the knees, and then looped around Morgan’s waist.
    Terry might not be nervous, but Morgan kind of was, once he was able to think about it. This was a first for him, too. It was the first time
    he was ever making love with anyone instead of just having sex for  the sake of sex. It was the first time he and a lover kissed and gently  got into position beneath the covers, instead of rutting like animals on  top of them, and it would be the first time he ever actually cared about  the person he was with.
    A thought suddenly occurred to him as Terry’s thighs squeezed  around him. They still had no lube. Terry

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