
Free Countdown by Iris Johansen

Book: Countdown by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
Tags: Suspense, Thrillers
    Bartlett’s eyes left Jane to gaze curiously at Trevor. “You have a few other items on your plate that are pretty high in priority. I’m surprised you believe that—”
    “Here she comes.” Trevor turned away from the window and headed for the cockpit. “It’s better that she doesn’t see me until we’re airborne. She regards me as something of an irritant, and the balance could swing either way once she steps on the plane. Close the door, make her comfortable, and soothe the hell out of her.”
    “Irritant?” Bartlett murmured. “And I thought I was the only one who could see past that charm to the beast you really are.”
    “Just soothe her.” Trevor closed the door of the cockpit behind him.
    Y ou decided to come. Capital. I’m so glad I don’t have to be alone on such a long trip.” Bartlett beamed as he closed and latched the door behind Jane. “Just sit down and fasten your seat belt. Brenner will be taking off any—”
    “Where’s Trevor?”
    “Up front with Brenner. He said for me to make you comfortable.” His eyes were suddenly twinkling. “And to soothe you. He very much thought you’d need soothing.”
    She did need soothing. She was uneasy and uncertain and not at all sure she was doing the right thing. That damn Trevor had played her to the hilt, using every weapon he knew to get her to do what he wanted. And here she was on a plane bound for Scotland and she hadn’t even told Joe or Eve she was going or why.
    Because she didn’t know why, dammit.
    But she knew that she had to take any opportunity to find out more about Mike’s death.
    And she knew she wanted to see those scrolls. She’d devoted years to trying to find them, and Trevor had them in his hands.
    Perhaps Trevor was even right about the death of Donnell tonight putting her in greater danger.
    And perhaps he wasn’t and was using the circumstances to bend her in the direction he wanted her to go.
    What the hell? She’d find out. But first she had to act like a responsible human being instead of flitting away like a damn butterfly. She took out her phone. “I’m not going anywhere without letting Eve and Joe know.”
    “By all means. That wouldn’t be considerate. I’m sure you still have time before we take off.”
    “We’ll make time.” She dialed Eve. “Did I wake you?”
    “No, Joe called me ten minutes ago. What the devil is happening, Jane?”
    “I’m not sure, but I’m not going to risk getting jailed right now. Tell Joe that I’ll send Manning a statement later.”
    “That’s hardly correct procedure, Jane.”
    “It’s the best I can do.” She paused. “I may be on a trail that could lead me to answers. I have a better chance if I go my own way.”
    “You’re scaring the hell out of me. What are you up to?”
    “Something popped up and I need to look into it.”
    “Not alone, dammit.”
    “I’m not alone.”
    “That’s even worse. I want names, your location, and the reason you’re being so damn cagey.”
    How much to tell her? Eve would be obligated to tell Joe, and Joe was a cop who had a duty to his badge. Okay, tell her enough to cut down her worrying, but no details.
    “I may be able to find out who hired Leonard and where he is.”
    “I believe I know someone who’s familiar with the entire picture.”
    “I know. I know. I’m sorry. It must be frustrating to listen to me yammer and pick and choose my words when—”
    “Who are you with?”
    Jane was silent a moment. Oh, what the hell. “Trevor.”
    “You should feel better. You know Trevor knows what he’s doing.”
    “He walks a mean tightrope, but that doesn’t mean you’ll survive if you follow him.”
    “I’m not following him. I’m only going to find out—” Cut it short. “I’ll call you again as soon as we get where we’re going. Don’t worry, Eve. I’m not doing anything dumb. I’m being careful.”
    “That word isn’t in

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