
Free Hooked by K. C. Falls

Book: Hooked by K. C. Falls Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. C. Falls
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
captain's chair looking utterly relaxed. I flopped into one of the chairs beside him and sank into its comfort.
    "Hope you don't mind some company."
    "Of course not. Driving this barge across the channel is a little boring. Not much of a challenge 'til we get closer to the islands."
    "It looks pretty challenging to my eyes." I rolled my eyes over the spaceship-worthy instrument panel.
    "Just a bunch of toys, really. A real sailor should still be able to get from point A to point B without all this shit."
    "Are you a 'real' sailor, Richard?" I wanted to give him a chance to brag on himself and puff up a little for me. I was in the mood to flirt and God knows a man's ego is always a sure-fire way to start.
    "I used to be, but this stuff has made me soft. I used to find a fish by instinct and nature. Now I've got a state-of-the-art fish finder to do that for me." The reply was disappointing. I was hoping for some chest beating. "But, all this auto pilot stuff means you and I can cruise along and get to know one another." He crossed his sinewy arms across his chest and gave me a look that would have been a leer on a less innocent face.
    "Okay. I'll start. How did you happen to become the Captain of El Lobo?"
    He chuckled. "I guess you could say it was destiny. My Dad's a charter captain and I literally grew up on these docks."
    "You mentioned that you and Morgan had been 'wharf rats' together."
    "First name basis, already?"
    "Not to his face," I blushed. "I just have a hard time thinking of a guy that young as a 'Mr.'"
    "Just wait until he asks you to call him by his first name. He can be a prick about things at times." He adjusted the wheel just slightly before he continued. "Yeah, Morgan showed up on the pier when he was around twelve or thirteen. He was a little bit of a nuisance at first. Followed me around like I was a big hero 'cause I'm two years older than he is."
    "How old is that?"
    "Just turned 28. I'm a summer baby. That's why I have such a sunny disposition."
    I had to agree with him. Everything about Richard was light and easy. He had a way of smiling at me that made me feel very comfortable.
    "Morgan was 26 last Valentine's Day," he went on.
    I tried to remember my sun signs. February 14 was . . . Aquarius. Not that I believed in astrology much, but it figured he'd have a water sign.
    Richard continued. "I went to junior college but academics aren't my thing. Not that I have a room temperature I.Q."
    "Of course not. Remember, the only thing I've ever studied is culinary arts. I'm with you on the college thing. It just seemed to me such a waste of life. I wanted to get on with it. Do something. Plus, my parents stuffed my head with enough knowledge my first eighteen years. There are times when I regret it, though."
    "Why's that?"
    "A couple of reasons. Sometimes I think I missed the party, you know? Culinary school is fun, but not in the same way. Everyone there knows what they want to be when they grow up. They're focused. Even drunk they're usually still talking shop."
    "I see your point. My two years at PBJC were one long blur of beer and babes."
    "I also think that I underestimated how much of a disappointment it was to my parents that I didn't pursue a 'higher education'. I hate that. They deserved better from their only child."
    "I kind of surprised my parents when I passed the Captain's exam on the first try. It's a beast. Most people have to take it twice or even three times. But I grew up breathing all that shit. It's just natural."
    "Isn't this an awfully large boat for someone like you? I mean, I would have thought you'd have to work your way into something like this."
    "Trust me, I started small. It was just a stroke of luck that Morgan's father decided to add this toy to his collection. He got a deal and that's something he can't resist. Once he had it, the thrill wore off. As usual, Morgan got his hand me downs."
    "This is some hand me down."
    "Morgan sought me out. We had stayed close even after he

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