tribe and they gazed at her without
animosity. They sniffed without issue. They didn’t know her. She
felt relieved her treatment here would be different than in
    Ty showed her up to a suite of rooms
that took her breath away. She felt unworthy of such luxury. He
assured her she was welcome to it. He set down her suitcases and
left her alone to explore her new digs.
    She was delighted with her new
accommodations. Ryken spared little expense for his compound when
he plotted his takeover. The room was decorated in tasteful hues of
green and purple. The heavy mahogany furniture was a bit dark for
her taste, but overall, she was satisfied with her room.
    The bathroom was a huge tiled
monstrosity, reminding her of the one back home. She gazed at the
walk-in shower with unmistakable longing for her mate, recalling
how they never seemed to use it just to bathe.
    She knew she had no right to dwell on
her crumbled marriage. Eli was with Tania now and it was obvious he
used this misunderstanding between them to be with her. She
couldn’t conceive he would do this to her for any other reason. The
idea he loved the other female made her bristle with rage and cry
in devastation.
    Her behavior with Jericho was only a
reminder her life with Eli was over; even if it wasn’t real. Her
gaze hardened. No, she would deny herself nothing. Eli made his
choice. Instead of having faith in her and listening to her; he
chose to believe she aborted their children and jumped off a cliff.
Now he shut her out of his life and picked up with the Mother of
the tribe once more.
    The recollection of who shared his bed
made her furious. Two could play that game. Eli might have
renounced her, but she was very much still his mate according to
Ty. A devious light entered her gaze. It was time she started
acting like a Chief’s wife.
    She opened her purse and took out her
wallet, eyes gleaming to see all the credit cards he’d insisted she
have in happier times. That was a start. Knowing how frugal he was
made her eyes glow brightly. He would go into fits when he got the
bills. It satisfied her need to strike back at him now.
    ~ ~ ~
    Vivvie called the dealership the next
day and ordered her new car. The bright red Dodge Charger she once
coveted of Dina’s was to be delivered on Saturday. Recalling how
she once envied her former roommate such luxuries gave her a pang
of homesickness. The car was fully loaded. She added every extra
option they had available just to irritate Eli.
    Her need to punish Eli extended to the
nearby shopping mall. Once there, she divested Macy’s of every
junior size three in their department. Ty gave her use of his SUV
that day. When she ran out of stores at the mall; she went to the
    She bought anything and everything her
heart desired. Scorn nipped at her heals as she splurged on a state
of the art laptop, stereo system, and a huge flat screen for her
bedroom. Ty refrained from saying a word as the guards helped her
carry her many bags inside. She saw his look of amusement and went
up to her room to put her new belongings away.
    The next day she went to a fancy spa
and got the works. Her newly highlighted, expertly- styled hair
made Ty grin in delight as she returned. After being pampered,
waxed, and buffed; she felt like a brand new person with an old axe
to grind.
    When she grew tired of spending Eli’s
money, she spent more. She realized with everything she bought,
none of it took the place of him. She felt miserable to know it,
even if she seethed to think of the woman he was with.
    His beverage company had their annual
formal gala recently. The pictures on the website made her burn and
seethe with jealousy. Eli looked sickeningly handsome in a tuxedo
as he gave his speech before the crowd. She couldn’t ignore the
elegant and gorgeous Tania at his side during the
    She studied her rival’s flawless face.
Anyone with eyes could see she was out of her league trying to win
Eli back from this woman.

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