Dana Marie Bell - Heart'sDesire01

Free Dana Marie Bell - Heart'sDesire01 by T L

Book: Dana Marie Bell - Heart'sDesire01 by T L Read Free Book Online
Authors: T L
him up the stairs, one dragging step at a time. She agreed with him, and that scared him.
    It had come on so fast. “You think I did it?”
    He looked horrified. “No! Cole.”
    “Damn. We really need to figure out what you did to piss him off.” She pushed open the door at the end of the hall, pulling him into the blue bedroom. A twin bed was covered in a deep blue comforter, the walls done a paler blue. It was a quiet, soothing room, perfect for a sick man.
    He tried to smile, but she could tell it was too much effort. “Tell me about it.”
    She reached down and pulled the comforter and sheet down before settling him down on the bed.
    “Get some rest.”
    She jumped when he grabbed her hand again, his worried, fevered gaze holding her own. “Are you sick?”
    “I’m fine, Chris. Whatever this is hasn’t affected me.” The relief that filled his face melted a little bit more of her resistance to him. How could she stay mad over the “mate” spell when he obviously cared so much already? She couldn’t resist brushing his hair off his forehead. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” She watched him slip into unconsciousness, more frightened than she could ever remember being.

    * * * *
Lana double-checked the chicken soup she’d made, making sure the magic rose from it properly. If Chris was right, and this Cole person was responsible for his illness, than the soup was only step two.
    Step one was already in Chris’s room, hopefully absorbing some of the sickness that seemed to plague him. She checked the ginger and anise seed tea on the counter and decided it had steeped long enough.
    Grammy broke a cinnamon stick in half and added it to the mixture, nodding slightly. “That should do it.” She put the tea on the tray, smiling at Lana.

    Lana added the heavily herbed chicken soup and picked up the tray. “I’m going to go ahead and take this up.”
    Grammy ladled out a bowl of the soup. “Go on, sweetie. I know you’re worried about him.” She held up her bowl. “I’m just going to have some preventative medicine just in case.”
    Lana toed open the door to the bedroom, not sure if she’d find him conscious or not.
    She smiled when she saw Chris’s wan smile. Good, maybe the first part of the spell is working.
    He’d scared her, the way he’d just passed out earlier. “Hey yourself.”
    She carried the tray over to the bed, waiting until he’d managed to partially prop himself up. “Here you go.”
    “What’s this?”
    He picked up the tea and sniffed. “What’s in this?”
    “Cinnamon, anise seed and ginger.”
    He eyed the cup warily. “Really?”
    “Drink it.”
    He eyed her just as warily. “I pissed you off that badly?”
    “Chris.” Her hands hit her hips, and she stared him down, waiting for him to give in.
    He made a face and took a sip. “Mmm. That’s actually not too bad.”
    “Good, then you’ll finish it.”
    “And chicken soup? You spoil me, darling.” He took a bite. “It’s … um, spicy.”
    “And spelled, so finish it.”
    He choked.
    “Don’t be a wuss. Go ahead and finish it.”
    He sniffed, sounding stuffed up, but gamely took another bite.
    She pulled a chair over to the side of his bed and settled in, curling her legs under her. “Nearest I can figure, if you’re right that Cole is behind this, he must have gotten a hair or something off of you during the fight in the woods last night.”
    He grimaced. “Thought of that after I woke up.”
    “And if he got your hair, he got the hair of the wolf, right?”
    “Yes,” he drawled.
    “So switching to wolf won’t cure you like you’ve been thinking.”
    He looked shocked. “How did you know that I was thinking of shifting?”
    She patted his knee. “Just a wild guess.”
    He looked baffled, but it wasn’t something she could explain to him. She just … knew. “Anyway, I have the feeling if you shifted to wolf, things would actually get worse, not

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