Forbidden Bond

Free Forbidden Bond by Jessica Lee

Book: Forbidden Bond by Jessica Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Lee
it all weekend and didn’t want to ruin your time with Taylor.” He shoved a letter he’d been studying across the table at her. “Another collection notice.”
    Olivia didn’t need to pick it up to ascertain what he’d already revealed. She stared at the bold red letters glaring back at her from the top of the page.
    “That on top of losing another one of our herd last night… It’s time, Livvy.”
    She jerked her gaze to his, her heart in the back of her throat, choking her. “Her calf is strong.” She swallowed hard. “God, I wish I could have saved them both. I wish we didn’t have to…” Tears welled.
    “Don’t,” he barked. Kris’s attention dropped to the piece of half-eaten toast on his plate. “Please, God. Don’t cry. I can’t take it.” Both palms slid over his face. “You think this is easy for me?” He groaned. “I love this ranch.”
    Sinking into the empty chair beside her brother, Olivia wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “I know you do,” she whispered followed by a sniff, doing her best to dry her tears. “It just caught me by surprise.”
    Kris lowered his hands to the table. “We’ve run out of options, and I don’t see any other path other than to call Josie and get the place on the market before they haul us out of here and foreclose.”
    “I know you’re right. It’s just the idea of throwing in the towel makes me want to scream.”
    “I understand. The Wilsons’ are fighters. It’s not in our genetic code to ever give up. But in this situation, Sis…my back’s against the wall.”
    All Olivia could manage was a nod. It hurt too much to vocalize anything.
    “So,” Kris tossed out on a long exhale and craned his head in her direction, “on a happier note, let me see that ring,” he said, the jovial sound of his voice coming out a bit forced. Kris hit her with a big smile for effect, showing off his perfect teeth. The jerk had never needed braces. Unlike her, who had been saddled with them through most of middle school.
    Olivia drew in a deep breath, her stomach twisting into an even tighter knot about having to explain why she wasn’t wearing Taylor’s ring. Then it dawned on her.
    “Wait a minute.”
    Kris cocked his head.
    “What?” he mimicked her exaggerated tone.
    “You knew? Taylor told you he was going to propose last night?”
    A sly grin split his face. “Yeah.” He chuckled. “I hated calling you…but on the off-chance you could have saved them both...”
    “It’s okay.” She shrugged and curled her fingers into a tight fist on the table. “Besides, it was late, and I was ready to come home anyway.”
    “Late?” Kris popped one of the strawberries from the bowl into his mouth. “That’s crazy,” he muttered around the mouthful. “Livvy, you’d just got engaged. I wouldn’t have expected you to come home last night unless it had been an emergency.”
    “No, I hadn’t.”
    “You hadn’t what?” Kris studied her, his face scrunched.
    “Gotten engaged.” Olivia held her hand up, the backside facing Kris, fingers splayed.
    “You didn’t accept?” He straightened in his chair. “Why in hell not? Taylor’s your best friend. You have the same interests. He seems to make you happy.”
    “You don’t think I know all that?”
    Kris’s eyelids narrowed. “What aren’t you telling me?”
    “There’s nothing to tell. I just don’t think we’re ready to be married.”
    “You don’t think you’re ready?” Kris stared across the table, his look incredulous. “Livvy, the guy virtually has dog and 2.5 kids stamped across his forehead. Trust me…the dude is more than ready. He’s crazy about you.”
    He leaned back. “Now me, on the other hand. No way in fucking hell am I ever getting tied down.”
    She launched from her chair toward the kitchen. “You don’t get it.” She snatched a glass from the cupboard and returned to the room. “It’s none of your business anyway,” she added and plopped back into her

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