How to Seduce a Scot

Free How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English

Book: How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy English
them under control easily, and let them keep their spirit and their gait if not their speed as he turned the carriage deftly into Regent’s Park.
    She kept up an easy chatter with his lordship, all the while watching him surreptitiously beneath her lashes. Her bonnet blocked a good deal of her peripheral vision, but as she faced him, he kept his eyes on the road, as any wise driver should. That left her able to look him over with no concern for embarrassment or propriety.
    He was a fine-looking man, blond and blue-eyed where Mr. Waters was as dark and swarthy as a pirate. His hair was neatly pomaded, but not overdressed, and his cravat was well tied without being officious. His address was polite if a bit distant, as he was fully engaged in keeping his spirited beasts from overturning them at every opportunity. Though his pantaloons were not as tight as Mr. Waters’s, his superfine coat showed his shoulders to advantage. All in all, looking on him for the rest of her life would be no hardship.
    This thought brought a pain into her heart, which she ignored, the way she would ignore a stomach cramp brought on by too many croissants with jam.
    They rode out for almost an hour before Lord Farleigh turned back and brought her safely home again. He called for a footman, and Jim deserted his post at the door at once and came down the front stairs to hold his horses. “I will see you indoors, if you will allow me, Miss Middlebrook,” Lord Farleigh said.
    â€œIt would be a pleasure, my lord. Will you take a cup of tea?”
    He helped her down from the high seat then, and she forgot her question, his gloved hands strong and warm around her waist. As he swung her gently to the ground and stepped decorously back, she found that she felt safe with him, as she had all morning long. Safety and pleasant conversation were no small things.
    As they stepped inside, she forgot to renew her offer of refreshments. Her mother was holding court with both Mr. Alexander Waters and Mary Elizabeth, all three laughing uproariously at something which had already been said. The laughter died abruptly when Catherine entered the room on Lord Farleigh’s arm.
    Mr. Waters stood, as politeness dictated, but he rose from his chair with an air of menace that seemed out of place in a formal drawing room. Catherine felt her tongue threaten to cleave to the roof of her mouth, and she forced herself to speak. It was suddenly difficult, but she managed it.
    â€œGood morning, Miss Waters, Mr. Waters. My lord, may I present my mother, Mrs. Olivia Middlebrook. You no doubt remember Miss Mary Elizabeth Waters of Glenderrin, and Mr. Alexander Waters, also of the same.”
    Lord Farleigh smiled his calm, warm smile and bowed to the two ladies, but when his eyes fell on Alexander, his bow turned to a simple nod, and his smile grew cool. “Good morning. I believe Mr. Waters and I have met.”
    â€œYes,” Mr. Waters said. “We discussed the fate of Scotland at Lady Jersey’s latest soiree.”
    Lord Farleigh’s smile did not falter, but as Catherine watched, the last of the warmth went out of his eyes. “Indeed we did. And came to no firm conclusion, if I recall.”
    â€œOh, I don’t know. I think one or two things were decided during that talk.”
    Catherine did not understand why two men would take such a sudden and intense dislike to each other, but it seemed that they had. Lord Farleigh refused her mother’s offer of tea, and bowed to the room at large before taking his leave.
    He raised Catherine’s hand to his lips, but did not touch his mouth to her glove. Instead, he asked, “Will you and your lovely mother be attending the ball at Lady Jersey’s home tomorrow night?”
    Catherine felt a little breathless as one man held her hand while a large, hulking Scot stood staring daggers at him. “Indeed, we will, my lord.”
    â€œIf I might be so bold, I would like to secure the

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