Without Reservations

Free Without Reservations by J. L. Langley

Book: Without Reservations by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Langley
Tags: Romance
    “Why are there so many people here?”
    “I have no clue. I thought we were only going to introduce you to John. Normally that’s how things work. You meet the pack Alpha, then you run with the pack for a couple of full moons, then you’re either admitted to the pack or not.”
    “Yeah, that’s how it works in my pack too.”
    “Well, whatever it is, it’s not bad. My dad would’ve warned me. You ready?”
    Bit nodded, scooped Pita up from between them and into his arms. “Yeah, lets go.”
    They got out of the truck and his dad met them. “Hey, boys. What have you got there, Keaton?”
    Bit smiled and held the puppy up. “This is Pita.”
    Joe scratched the puppy’s head. “Hey there, little fella.”
    “I can see where Chay got his love of animals.” Bit winked at Chay.
    Oh man! His Little Bit was flirting with him. Chay grinned, ignored the fluttering in his stomach and clapped his dad on the shoulder. “What’s going on? Why is everyone here?”
    Joe looked up from petting Pita. “Well, to welcome Keaton into the pack of course.”
    What? “But, Dad, Keaton hasn’t even met John yet.” Chay glanced over at Bit.
    Bit shrugged, seeming as puzzled as Chay felt.
    Joe took Pita out of Bit’s arms and grinned. “John is waiting for the two of you in the kitchen. I’ll watch Pita. I’m going out back to grab a hamburger. I’ll see the two of you when you’re done.” He turned and walked off. Immediately several cubs who’d accompanied their fathers to the meeting, rushed at him wanting to pet the Golden Retriever.
    Okay, something strange was going on. Why would John admit Keaton to the pack without meeting him first? Granted Chay’s father was one of the pack Betas, but John had never let someone in without meeting them first. Chay frowned. Unless… Did they know Keaton was his mate?
    “What? You look like something is bothering you.” Bit touched his arm.
    Chay looked at him and shook his head. “Nothing. Come on, let’s go meet John so we can eat. Smells like they’re grilling burgers.”
    Bit raised a brow at him but didn’t question him further.
    They found John and his wife Mary in the kitchen, gathering up condiments, plastic utensils and paper plates. John came to them as soon as they entered, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. “Chayton.”
    The pack Alpha’s eyes widened when he meet Keaton’s gaze.
    Keaton immediately turned his head, baring his throat in a show of respect.
    John frowned and cocked his head, a lock of his short salt and pepper hair falling into his eyes. “Why in the world aren’t you leader of your own pack?”
    Bit raised his head and met John’s gaze. “I’ve no desire to lead. I’m actually next in line for the position in my birth pack, but I have no intention of taking the job.”
    Lead? Chay frowned. What had he missed?
    John nodded and extended his hand to Bit. “John Carter.”
    Bit greeted him with a handshake. “Keaton Reynolds. Nice to meet you, sir.”
    “It’s nice to meet you too, Keaton. Joe has had nothing but nice things to say about you. He said you were powerful, but…” He whistled. “You don’t want to run your own pack? I don’t think I’ve ever met a wolf who has three forms who wasn’t a pack leader.”
    Three forms? Bit had three forms? Chay stared at Bit like he’d never seen him before. How had he not realized that?It was extremely rare to find a wolf that had three forms. All wolves could shift from human to wolf, but a rare few could also shift into a half-wolf, half-man form.
    John chuckled. “You look shocked, Chayton. Didn’t you know? Can’t you feel the energy coming off of him?”
    Chay shook his head. He was too busy trying to control his errant cock when Keaton was around. The only energy he felt was due to their mate bond.
    “Ahh, interesting. Your senses are confused because of who he is to you.”
    Bit’s gaze shot to his.
    His shot to

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