Craving Constellations
could barely tie her fuckin’ shoes. She worked though. She had a banging body. She let me do whatever the fuck I wanted to her, never complained, and seemed completely ignorant to anything outside her little bubble. Plus, she was a freak in bed. Fuckin’ crazy.
    About two months ago, she’d started bitching about a ring, so I’d bought her one. She’d wanted to think that meant I was going to marry her, but I wouldn’t. Only one woman ever had the chance of that, and she had taken off for parts unknown for five years.
    As I pulled up to the gate, a guy in a dark gray sedan pulled up behind us and rolled down his window. He looked like some kind of businessman, but he had some heavy-duty guards with him.
    “Hey, I need to speak with Slider. Can we follow you up?”
    The douche was smiling at me. Fuck it.
    “Yeah, sure.”
    If Slider had a problem with this guy, I would have known. I didn’t recognize him, but I could tell he wasn’t a cop. After all these years, I could smell a cop from a mile away. I didn’t see any reason to lock him out.
    We pulled up to the garages, and I saw Brenna and Trix walking toward us from a couple of picnic tables in the grass. God, she was beautiful. She hadn’t straightened her hair, and all of the little corkscrew curls were everywhere. She and Trix were both wearing sundresses, and they looked like they had gotten a little sun. Brenna looked at me nervously. I heard the douche start talking behind me, but it took me a second to realize what he’d said because Brenna turned her head, and the blood drained from her face. I glanced down at Trix, who was trying to climb under Brenna’s skirt. It took me a moment to understand what was happening. They were shrinking. Right in front of my eyes, my beautiful girls were pulling into themselves—as if they would disappear if they could just get small enough, quiet enough, still enough. Then, it hit me. Only one reason why the guy behind me could get a reaction like that.
    I didn’t even think. This had to be the guy who had beaten the hell out of Brenna. The guy she was running from. The guy who had made my girl so scared she went completely silent at the first hint of a threat. I didn’t know how the fuck she’d gotten caught up with this douche, who was so different from us in his expensive suit and fuckin’ comb-over, but it didn’t matter.
    I was going to fuckin’ kill him.
    I got within about five feet from him when I heard Slider start yelling for Grease. Two steps closer, and I noticed his men drawing down on me. It didn’t matter. They could fuck off; my boys had my back. There wasn’t a fuckin’ thing anyone could do, short of killing me, that would keep me from killing him where he stood. Then, I heard Trix yelling for her papa. Who was she yelling at? She couldn’t be running to the dick in front of me. That didn’t make any sense.
    I turned my head to look at her, and she started running right toward us. What the fuck was Brenna doing, letting her run through this shit? I glanced quickly up at Brenna but couldn’t meet her eye. She looked shell-shocked. Then, she started chasing Trix. Right as I looked back at Trix, she ran as hard as she could and leaped onto me like a fuckin’ monkey. As I lifted her up on my arm, she buried her face in my neck, and I could feel her soft, warm breath against me.
    “Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa.”
    My little warrior was fuckin’ whimpering in my ear. I heard Brenna run up behind us, and I took a couple steps back, so Trix was closer to our boys and farther away from Brenna’s husband and his goons. I didn’t want her anywhere near the fucker.
    We ended up right next to Brenna, and I could feel her shaking, so I slid my hand to her lower back. I might be pissed as hell at her, but I couldn’t stop myself from trying to comfort her. She was scared shitless, and I needed to touch her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and promise her he’d never touch her again—that I’d take

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