Valan Playboys

Free Valan Playboys by Scarlett Dawn

Book: Valan Playboys by Scarlett Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Dawn
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal
farther each time. The feeling of sweltering heat began to douse the air, but it didn’t hurt—a purely sensual part of his power as it vibrated in the air around us.
    King Jerome shuddered the barest bit, even shaking his head once rapidly, grumbling against my lips, “I cannot believe I’m feeling this.”
    “Go to hell,” King Balar hissed. “I can’t control it any longer.”
    “No fighting,” I moaned, panting. Then I arched against King Jerome, my breasts rubbing against his chest when King Balar pressed his hips flush against me. Thank God. He was damn enormous. My hooded gaze held the darkly lit eyes beneath me. “He’s in. We’re waiting on you now.”
    King Jerome swiftly rolled on a condom, applying oil over it, before he grunted, positioning his legs a little different under me. Making King Balar growl at one point while finding a comfortable position, he placed the head of his cock at my core’s entrance, grabbing onto my thighs, and gently began rocking his cock into me.
    My lips parted on a keening cry. “You’re as big as him!” I panted heavily, biting my bottom lip. “Get the hell in me before I chicken out.” This was not comfortable right now.
    King Balar’s hands were gripping me solidly, his sensual power flaring even further, almost a tinge of red in the air, muttering breathlessly, “Holy-mother-fucking-God, I can feel you.” He shuddered, and then his tone turned into a deep growl. “ This night is absolutely never spoken about.”
    King Jerome’s dark brows furrowed, his lips thinned, and he exhaled brutally, groaning, “I can’t hold it back.” His head arched back on a rumbling moan. “ Fuck, Lana. You feel so damn good.” Abruptly, a harsh flux of haunting Warlock power shot through the room, racing around us in a swirl powerful enough it ruffled the sheets. Its eerie seduction swayed like a ghost against our skin, sensual and just as heady as the red-tinged fiery power heating the room.
    I shuddered, and my own sensual power exploded around us, any control lost as he shoved his massive, steel hard cock deep into me, his hips flush with mine; my Valkyrie’s power of lightning electrocuted the air softly around us in sensual zaps as I joined the other two.
    King Balar, having held still for so long, groaned, “I have to move. Now.”
    King Jerome nodded, then pulled his hips back to press them back up into me, a clear indication he was on board, but he froze, sucking in a sharp breath when King Balar began to counter him, pulling out when he pressed in. “Ah… fuck! ”
    “Get over it. I have.” King Balar groaned sharply, pressing deep into me. “Like I said, this night isn’t ever talked about.”
    King Jerome shuddered once more as King Balar pulled his hips back, gliding out of me to shove deep inside, then he nodded jerkily. Dark hooded eyes opened, lifting to mine, holding my gaze as he slammed his hips up against me brutally at King Balar’s retreat, my gasp a moan, as he growled quietly, “ Keep your mouth shut about this, Lana.”
    I couldn’t scowl, but I did gasp, “I have no reason to tell anyone, and I won’t even if it’s brought up.” A gentle shake of my head. “One asshole is already currently taken. We don’t need another right now.”
    His eyes narrowed for the barest moment, his teeth clenching, but he soon pulled his hips back in counter to King Balar’s hips. I shouted heavily, arching hard as their pace sped up, their hips slamming flush against me, their cocks pistoning rapidly, filling me past a point of pleasure, like none I had ever known. Their own guttural shouts of pleasure filled the air while they held me steady, my body trembling fiercely between them. Our sensual powers heightening inside the confines of my bedroom, the almost red turned into licking flames of desire rubbing against us, the eerily swaying sensual Warlock power manifested into a silver mist swirling around us, kissing our skin, just as the lightning

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