Alpha 1472

Free Alpha 1472 by Eddie Hastings

Book: Alpha 1472 by Eddie Hastings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eddie Hastings
overall view of the release room and another two displayed the view seen from each of the individual cameras secreted within the costumes of the team. Yet another monitor showed the outside of the shuttle. Eventually the room was filled with water and an orange light came on to signify that the pressure within the room was now the same as outside. Seconds later the outer doors swung open. When they were completely open a second, green light was illuminated. After a few last minute checks Captain Daniels gave them the all clear to go. With the order given both Mary and J.D. grasped the glass handles on the front wall of the pods and transferred most of their weigh onto their heels, then, slowly at first, both pods began to rise out of the shuttle. Once clear of the vessel they were free and in total control of the pods. Looking up they could see the blue iridescent outline of the rising sun playing upon the surface of the ocean, and the higher they rose in the water the more they could see around them. These waters teemed with life, a multitude of fish species, as many different shapes and sizes one could imagine. As they broke the surface they only allowed the uppermost few inches of the pods to protrude out of the water in the distance they could see some vessels out at sea not far from the shoreline, although their purpose was unclear from this distance they assumed that they were fishermen going about their early morning business. Either side of the glass handles were located small glasslike controls for the pods. They inputted the approximate distance and direction that would take them to the shore and re submerged.
    They travelled towards the shore a few inches below the surface of the water to avoid detection and as they reached their goal, sensors on the underside of the pods bought them to a gentle halt. Once again they raised the pods a few inches above the surface of the water so as to observe the coastline. What they saw was a beautiful unspoiled beach flanked by searing cliffs. The waves were gently lapping against the base of the cliffs and a slight breeze was causing the palm trees to wave majestically almost as if in a gesture of welcome. Looking around they could see no one, it seemed to be a totally deserted part of the coastline, this, of course, suited their purpose perfectly. Once they were satisfied that their arrival had gone undetected they raised the pods fully out onto the surface and opened them to their full extent. The roofs of the pods were first to open, then the sides slid silently into the sea. Once in the sea the sides and the roof raised themselves to lie alongside the base forming a much more stable platform for its occupant to work from, it also allowed the craft to come much closer to the shoreline. Using the foot controls the pair bought their craft into shore, as they did so they were extra vigilant, eyes scanned all around for anyone who would see these strange figures gliding effortlessly on the surface of the water. When they got as close to the beach as they could possibly get, they deactivated the pods which then sank the six or so inches to the sea bed, and anchored themselves in place. As they stepped out of the foot holes and into the water they were aware of a continual series of high pitched beeps in their earcoms, this was the locating beacon that would enable them to return to the pods when this particular mission was over. The pair then walked the short distance to the beach, and for the first time since leaving home, they stood on solid ground.

4. Observation.
    As they emerged from the shallow water they could feel the warm fine sand cling to their wet feet, it felt good and as much as they would liked to have lingered for a while they knew they had to find cover. At this stage they could not afford to be discovered, at least not until they had seen some of the locals and confirmed that their clothing and appearance would fit in. along the beach they could see a small

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