Riverstar (3)

Free Riverstar (3) by Tess Thompson

Book: Riverstar (3) by Tess Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tess Thompson
Tags: Suspense, Romance
he finally arrived at the bar. Cindi, as if he were no different than any of her local patrons, slapped a napkin on the counter. “What’s your poison?”
    “Draft beer? Something bitter?” he said before kissing his costar on the cheek. “Hi, Gennie. Hey Bellalicious.” He tousled her curls.
    “I thought you weren’t coming out?” Genevieve was staring into her glass. Had her neck flushed when he said her name?
    “I’ve got the lines nailed. Felt like spending some time with you might be good for our work tomorrow,” said Stefan.
    Genevieve went pale. Tomorrow was the filming of their steamy scene. Bella knew she dreaded them. But Stefan was sweet and thoughtful. Surely that would make it easier?
    After a small break, Tommy and his band were back on stage. He greeted the crowd, who cheered and clapped, especially the locals. “Something slow to get this set started?”
    A couple of the women whistled. “Hell yeah, Tommy.”
    “Who’s this?” asked Stefan.
    “Tommy. Local. Songwriter for Nashville,” said Mike with pride in his voice. “And nicest guy you’ll ever know.”
    “And an EMT,” said Bella. “Hot, hot, hot EMT.”
    “You like him, Bellalicious?” asked Stefan, popping several peanuts into his mouth from the dish on the bar.
    “God no,” said Bella. “He’s married to my sister-in-law’s best friend, Lee.” She made brief eye contact with Genevieve.
    “We take care of our own here,” said Mike to Gennie and Stefan. “You two let us know anything you need. And we’ll keep those idiot photographers away from you if we have to.”
    Cindi, pouring another draft beer for Mike, said, “I have ways of getting people to cooperate. Oregon ways.”
    Sharon whispered to Gennie and Stefan, looking somewhat alarmed. “She’s talking about a gun.”
    “I love this town,” said Genevieve, smiling wide and taking another sip of her wine.
    “I love the people in this town,” said Bella.
    “Couldn’t be happier we’re filming here,” said Stefan. “Makes me miss my home in B.C. Maybe I’ll buy a place here. What do you think, Bellalicious? Think I could meet a nice girl here, settle down?”
    “And break every single woman’s heart across the country?” teased Bella. “That’s just cruel.”
    Tommy began to sing one of his originals, currently a hit on country radio for one of the biggest stars in Nashville. “He’s fantastic,” said Stefan. “Reminds me of some of the Canadian folk singers I grew up listening to.”
    Mike put his arm around Sharon. “Great to meet you folks but we should get on home. Big day tomorrow.”
    “Yes, right. So nice to meet you,” said Sharon.
    Both Bella and Genevieve slid from their barstools. There were hugs all around. This is how they did it in River Valley, thought Bella. Always hugging.
    After they were gone, Bella was about to order a glass of red wine when she spotted Ben Fleck coming in the doorway.
    “I don’t believe it,” she muttered.
    “What?” asked Gennie.
    “Tiffany just walked in. With Benjamin Fleck.”
    “I thought she promised Richard she’d stay clean and sober for the shoot,” said Genevieve after glancing towards them.
    Stefan turned to look and then shook his head sadly. “Clearly the deal’s off. She’s loaded.”
    He was right. Tiffany was hanging on Ben’s arm and walking unsteadily. There were dark smudges of mascara under her eyes and her lipstick was smeared, making her look almost clown-like. Her hair was wet too. It must have started raining. What was Ben doing with her? Had they been out together? The idea of his hands on her made Bella physically ill. Her dinner churned. How could she get out of here without him seeing her?
    Tommy began another song, a slow ballad. Most of the crowd danced, couples moving across the dance floor in various degrees of skill. Ben, with his arm around the drunk Tiffany Archer, headed towards them. Dammit , thought Bella, no way to escape.
    “Hey everybody,” Tiffany

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