Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2)

Free Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2) by W.H. Vega

Book: Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2) by W.H. Vega Read Free Book Online
Authors: W.H. Vega
Once we get possible
counter offers, I’ll let you know.”
    I’m excited but terrified because I
wasn’t planning on the house selling so soon. I definitely don’t want to rush
Paige into anything, and right now we’re way too busy to even house hunt or
discuss our future. My parents already offered that I could move in with them
in the event that the house sells before Paige and I take the next step.
    I drive home thinking about the
three weeks we have leading up to the release of our albums. Usually, singers
release their single a good month or two before their actual album, but since
we’re not well known, we’re only doing three weeks. And Kenny has just about
solidified a tour that is set to start in late October and run until
mid-December, with a two week break for the holidays, and then to continue for
the month of January.
    I’m lost in my thoughts so much so
that I don’t notice the sleek black sedan parked across the street. I park my
truck and get out, smiling at the For Sale sign in my neatly mowed yard, hoping
that I can take it down soon.
    “Blake!” a deep voice calls out,
and I’m startled as I turn around and see Jeffrey Devlin emerging from the
black sedan.
    What the hell is he doing here?
    My mouth presses into a thin line.
“What can I help you with Jeffrey?” I ask abruptly as he strides up to me.
    He’s dressed in an immaculate
three-piece suit, with gleaming cufflinks that probably cost more than my
    “I’d like a word with you,” he says
    I don’t move a muscle. “Sure.”
    “Can we go inside?” he asks, eyeing
my front door.
    “Right here is just fine.”
    He nods, and takes a moment to
gather himself. I’m not sure what he has come for, but I’m sure it’s nothing
good, and I’m not going to make him comfortable in the process.
    “You hurt our daughter deeply,” he
begins and I hold my hand up to stop him.
    “If this is about your daughter,
I’m not interested in hearing it. Savannah and I broke up nearly two months
ago, and I’ve moved on with my life. I suggest your family does the same.”
    I’m not listening to this bullshit.
Doesn’t Jeffrey Devlin have a corporation to run?
    “Well, that’s just the problem.
Clearly you’ve moved on because you had another woman waiting in the wings,” he
draws. “Savannah, on the other hand, can’t seem to get over that fact.”
    “Then I suggest you find her a good
therapist,” I say coldly.
    I highly doubt Savannah is a having
a hard time getting over things. I’ve heard the rumors, and it seems Savannah
is doing just fine and making her rounds through the beds of Nashville’s most
eligible bachelors. I may be an asshole sometimes, but I’m not about to inform
Jeffrey of his daughter’s sexcapades.
    Jeffrey gives me a shrewd look. “I
suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by your callous attitude. I thought you might
feel a little sorry about what you had done, clearly I over-estimated you.”
    I give him a hard look. “I am sorry
that I hurt your daughter, but Savannah and I both knew we were not a
good match. I think she’s more upset about the fact that she was ‘embarrassed.’
And let’s be honest here, Jeffrey, did you really want me for a son-in-law?”
    Jeffrey makes a sour face and I
don’t need any answer other than that.
    “Exactly. So, let’s drop this and
move on with our lives. We all know that I never had any intention of giving up
my music and coming to work for you.”
    “Be that as it may, I don’t like to
see my little girl hurting. Now, I’m going to offer you one last chance to make
things right.”
    Is he fucking serious? He must be
out of his damn mind.
    “I have made things right,”
I say furiously, and I take a moment to calm myself down. The last thing I want
to do is have a heated physical altercation with Jeffrey Devlin outside on my
    “Savannah doesn’t think so. I’m
offering you one million dollars to leave your girlfriend and get

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