Blackthorne: Heart of Fame, Book 8
welcome,” she murmured, her eyes telling him exactly what anything entailed, she crossed the now swept and polished dance floor to the exit door, hips swaying with exaggerated seduction. She tossed him a come-hither smile over her shoulder, flicked her tongue along her top lip and left, the last of the Chaos Room’s staff to depart, save for Zach.
    “That happen a lot?”
    Josh turned back to the man behind the bar. “Every time I’m out in public.”
    Zach shook his head. “Must be a tough life.”
    Josh laughed at the sarcasm in the man’s comment. “Someone’s gotta do it though. Am I right? And playing soccer for a living damn near crippled me.”
    Zach wiped dry another glass. “Wonder if it’s too late to change careers?”
    “To become a rock star?”
    “Yep.” Zach grinned at him. “Only trouble is, I can’t sing for shit.”
    Josh laughed again. “Plenty of platinum-record holders out there that can’t sing.”
    “Oh, in that case.” Zach deposited the towel on the counter with a slap and a smirk. “Reckon I’ll tell the boss I quit then.”
    “That will be a shame, Zach. You’ll be sorely missed.”
    At the sound of Caitlin’s husky voice behind him, Josh jumped.
    He spun to face her, suppressing his excited grin. Telling himself to relax. To not appear too eager to see her.
    He was though. Eager and nervous.
    Nervous. Go figure.
    Eyes of the most stunning azure regarded him. She stood in the middle of the dance floor, arms folded beneath her breasts. “I didn’t expect you to still be here, Mr. Blackthorne. You are aware the club is closed now, yes?”
    He nodded, forcing himself to lounge back on his elbows. Crossing his ankles, he gave her a lazy smile. “I am.”
    Behind the bar, Zach let out a snort. “Oh man, you’re asking for trouble.”
    Caitlin arched an eyebrow. At her second-in-charge or at Josh’s goading, Josh wasn’t sure. She studied him, narrowing her eyes. “And you’re still here because…?”
    “Because I promised your uncle I’d buy you a drink.”
    “You did not.”
    “Okay, he promised me you’d cook me dinner and I haven’t had anything to eat since halfway over the Pacific.” He affected a wounded-puppy expression. “C’mon, take some pity on me. I’m hungry.”
    Her lips twisted. “Have a peanut. There’s a bowl right next to your elbow.”
    He shook his head, holding her gaze. “Can’t. I’m allergic.”
    Worry flittered across her face. “Really?”
    He shook his head again. “No.”
    She rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time for this.”
    “Why? What else do you have to do at—” he flicked his watch a quick glance, “—three-fifteen in the morning?”
    Shifting her feet a little, Caitlin fixed him with a pointed gaze. “Go home. Have a shower. Go to bed.”
    Josh nodded. “Okay, let’s do that.”
    Her mouth fell open. A soft gasp filled the air between them. The most delightful pink tinged her cheeks. “Are you serious?”
    Pushing himself from the bar, he shook his head for a third time. “No. But, boy, I love the way you’re blushing now.”
    “Okay,” Zach uttered behind him. “I’m outta here. Boss, all that’s left to do is lock up. Mr. Blackthorne, you’re welcome back here any time.”
    Josh couldn’t stop his chuckle as Caitlin gaped at her employee. “Thanks, Zach,” he said, bumping fists with the massive man.
    “Excuse me, Zach?” Caitlin shoved her fists to her hips. Josh couldn’t help but notice how the move pulled the material of her T-shirt tighter across her full breasts. “Who owns the Chaos Room? You or me?”
    “You do, boss,” Zach answered, walking from behind the bar. “But I’m charge of arranging special guests. One of the duties you assigned me when I became 2IC, right? And I’m thinking having Josh Blackthorne in the place is good for business. In case you didn’t notice, the queue to get in tonight was more than double a normal Thursday night. And the Chaos Room has been

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