More Than Words: More Than, Book 3

Free More Than Words: More Than, Book 3 by Jess Dee

Book: More Than Words: More Than, Book 3 by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
Tell him the patient he believes is in need of a frontal lobotomy is in my office right now. This is his chance.”
    Ruthie glared at him. “I can’t believe you’re going there.”
    Hell, yeah, he was going there. Anything to stop her crusade. He covered the mouthpiece. “I can’t believe you’re trying to set me up on another blind date.”
    “Should I ask him to check his surgery schedule?” Molly asked without skipping a beat.
    “Fine. You win.” Ruth took back the page with the phone numbers. “For now.”
    Sam punched the air. “Never mind, Miss Molly. Scratch that last request. It looks like the patient is leaving. Thanks for your help anyway.”
    “Anytime.” Molly hung up.
    “Once—” Ruth sulked. “Once I tried to set Cody up with a doctor, and I’ll never hear the end of it.”
    “A straight doctor, married with kids. His wife was with him.”
    “How was I supposed to know she was his wife? I thought she was a nurse.”
    “Ruthie, you don’t have to play matchmaker to the whole world.”
    “Not the whole world. Just the people I care about.” Ruth cared almost too much about others. Especially about him. He understood though. She’d lost one brother. Failed to protect him from his awful disease, even though it wasn’t within her power to do so. She was determined to take care of her surviving brother, no matter what it took. Even if he didn’t need to be taken care of.
    “Did you ever stop to think that maybe those people can find their own matches?”
    “Like you’ve done such a great job of it?”
    Sam didn’t answer, but he thought about Molly and smiled.
    “Oh, my God.” His sister stared at him. “You’ve met someone.”
    Oops. He shouldn’t have smiled. Should have known Ruth would be all over it in seconds. “It’s irrelevant,” he said. “All I’m saying is you don’t have to make sure everyone you care about is happy. Sometimes we can look after ourselves.”
    “You have met someone.”
    Ah, crap. There was no escape. Not from his sister.
    “Is she nice, Sammy? Does she make you happy? Who is she? How long have you been seeing her? And damn it, why didn’t you tell me? I’d never have convinced Jill to go out with you.”
    Sam stared at her in exasperation. “I tell you every week not to set me up.”
    “Yeah, but every week you’ve told me you’re single. This is different.”
    Was it? It wasn’t as if Sam was seeing Molly. They’d exchanged some pretty heated emails, but nothing had changed between them.
    Okay, everything had changed between them. Sam himself had changed. But still. Everything was also the same.
    “Sammy, damn it. Tell me.”
    “There’s nothing to tell, Ruthie. It’s new. Too new to know where it’s going.” Although deep inside he hoped it was going somewhere.
    “Is she nice?”
    Fucking gorgeous. Sexiest woman Sam knew. “That’s important?”
    It was Ruth’s turn to roll her eyes. “Of course it’s important. You have to find her attractive, otherwise what’s the point?”
    “She’s attractive, Ruthie.” So attractive the thought of Molly made him hard, which was not a good thing with his sister sitting opposite him. “Can we leave it at that?”
    “Are you gonna marry her?”
    “Jesus, who are you? Mum?”
    “I’m your sister and I need to know these things. Especially if you’re going to marry her. I’ll need to find a dress and shoes and everything. Oh, and I’ll want to be a bridesmaid. You might want to prepare her for that.”
    Sam stood. Yes, he’d had an epiphany yesterday. Realized exactly how much Molly had come to mean to him. But the knowledge was new. Too new to discuss with anyone—even his sister. “Okay, it was nice of you to visit. But guess what? It’s time to leave now.”
    “No, it’s not. You’re trying to get rid of me because you don’t want to talk about your new girlfriend.”
    “You’re right. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. So bye, and

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