Second Chances

Free Second Chances by Evan Grace

Book: Second Chances by Evan Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evan Grace
    Dustin felt unease settle in his stomach right away. He didn’t send her any flowers. “Sweetheart, I wish I could take credit for them, but I didn’t send them.”
    He watched Stacy pale as she quickly got up off of the couch and rushed into the kitchen.
    “Chloe, sweetheart, stay out here and watch your movie, okay?” Dustin told the little girl as she seemed oblivious to what was happening.
    “Okay,” Chloe said and didn’t even turn to look at him.
    He watched silently as Stacy grabbed a vase filled with purple roses off of her kitchen table and headed towards the back door. Dustin followed her out and stood there, watching her dump the flowers into the garbage bin.
    “Cocksucker,” Stacy muttered.
    Dustin walked up to Stacy and pulled her into his arms. “It’s going to be okay, sugar.” She shook her head against his chest. “Nope, it is, sweetheart, and you know that you need to file a report against him. If you want, I’ll go with you.”
    He heard the sigh that escaped her lips. “Can we do it Monday? There’s too much going on this weekend.”
    “That’s fine. You just let me know when and I’ll go with you.”
    Stacy tipped her head back and gave him the smile that he loved to see so much and couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and kissing her. She held her body away from him at first, but before he could pull away, he felt her melt into his arms and wrap her arms around his neck.
    Dustin licked at the seam of her lips until she opened for him, granting him access to her mouth. His tongue dueled with hers and soon he had Stacy groaning into his mouth.
    He slid a hand around her waist, pulling her hard against his erection that was begging to be let out. The whimper that slipped from Stacy’s lips made him grind into her harder.
    They were so caught up in each other that they both started when they heard the back door open and the little giggle that followed. Dustin froze as did Stacy and they both turned to see Chloe standing there smiling. Stacy groaned and buried her face in Dustin’s neck.
    “Tay Tay?” Chloe looked back and forth between Dustin and Stacy.
    “Yes, baby girl?”
    “He’s wearing makeup, too,” Chloe said with a giggle.
    Dustin looked at Stacy, who burst out laughing and started to wipe at his face. She lifted her hand to him and showed him the smudged pink on her hand. He couldn’t help but laugh, too.
    He followed the girls back into the house and Stacy led him to the bathroom. One look in the mirror and Dustin was cracking up all over again. He and Stacy looked like someone took red, pink and blue and smeared it all over their faces.
    Stacy had him sit on the toilet while she got a washcloth wet and started scrubbing his face. It was really hard for him to keep a straight face when Stacy was in front of him cleaning his face with her wild makeup and crazy hair.
    Dustin looked towards the hall and didn’t see Chloe, so he took advantage and pulled Stacy down on his lap. He claimed her mouth again, even though he knew the makeup was rubbing off on him again.
    Stacy pulled back and whispered, “Chloe will catch us again, so quit it.” He knew she wasn’t mad because she was smiling as she said it. She proceeded in wiping his face off, still perched on his lap.
    After they were both cleaned up, they walked back out into the living room to find Chloe fast asleep on the couch. Dustin watched Stacy quickly wipe the little girl’s face off and then pick her up. He followed Stacy down to her bedroom, where she laid Chloe down on one side of her bed.
    It tugged at his heart when he watched Stacy bend down and kiss the little girl softly on the forehead. He followed her out of the bedroom and walked towards the front door.
    “I’m gonna let you two beauties get some rest, Dustin said as he gave Stacy a quick kiss.. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow to let you know what time I’m picking you up for the party,” Stacy

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