Borderland Beauty
She eyed him back.
    Or so handsome.
    “We must return,” she forced out through her tight throat. “Dinner will no doubt be under way shortly.”
    Dominic sighed audibly and gave her a lopsided grin that sent heat spiralling through her body. “As you will, lass.” He motioned towards the stable door. “After you.”
    She hurried past him, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. I will not make a fool of myself again , she thought determinedly. Dominic made no attempt to walk beside her but she could hear his boots sweeping through the snow behind her. Would his bold blue eyes be watching her or had he lost interest now? Whatever his strange fixation with her was, she was sure it would vanish soon enough, as sure as the snow would melt.
    ~* * *~
    The smell of roasted meat greeted them as they peeled off their cloaks and handed them to the serving girls. Lucy lowered her gaze as all eyes turned to them. She hurried away from Dominic, determined to put as much distance between them as possible. The thought of people gossiping about her made her stomach churn. And Lord Dominic was a fine one for attracting the attention of the gossips. She did not want to become fodder for their entertainment too.
    A huge boar waited on the serving table, an apple in its mouth and surrounded by greenery. Ack, could she bear another lengthy meal sat at Dominic’s side and under the scrutiny of all the guests? She should never have agreed to stay, but it was not in her nature to disturb the peace and if she’d disappeared, no doubt the rumours would have been far worse than a little speculation.
    Thankfully the meal was quieter than the feast the night before. Some of the guests were likely still suffering from last night, and the heavy food and warm atmosphere cast a lethargic haze over everyone. Everyone, that was, aside from Dominic. He watched her avidly, leaving her on edge as they finished their meal and sat around the Great Hall as the servants poured out some warm wine.
    Lucy grabbed a goblet hastily and brought it to her mouth, eager for the soothing heat to ease her nerves. A drizzle of wine sloshed onto her chest and she muttered a curse, scanning the room to see if anyone noticed as she dabbed at it. Ack, Dominic had spotted her mishap and was watching her from his chair by the fire with an amused twinkle in his eye. She glared back, attempting to cover her embarrassment.
    Her head whipped away as one of the ladies spoke up, “Come, Lord Dominic, will you not share with us some poetry?”
    Lucy straightened in her seat. Lord Dominic quoting poetry? “You read poetry?”
    A grin slid across his face as he turned to her “Aye, I’ve been known to. Do not look so shocked, lass. I am not wholly uncultured.”
    Lucy dropped her gaze to the floor as her face heated. Ack, when would he stop surprising her? It would make it so much easier to hate him if he just behaved as he should. It’s all an act , she reminded herself . Remember that. Bringing her head up, she smiled slowly.
    “What shall you share with us, then? I can choose one for you, if you like.” Aye, an obscure one, one that he would likely have never read. That would catch him out.
    “Nay, there is no need. I have one in mind.” He stood and strode confidently over to the fireplace, positioning himself directly in her line of sight.
    Lucy snapped her jaw shut as she felt her mouth dry. Lord Dominic was going to quote poetry to her. Nay, not to her. It was not for her. It was for all his guests. Yet with his blue eyes burning into hers, it was hard to remember that there was anyone else in the room.
    He gave her a small nod as if saying that it was indeed just for her. He cleared his throat. “‘This Will Not Win Him, by Rumi’:
    Reason says,
I will win him with my eloquence.
    Love says,
I will win him with my silence.

Soul says,
How can I ever win him
When all I have is already his?

He does not want, he does not worry,
He does not seek

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