Toy's Story

Free Toy's Story by Brenda Stokes Lee

Book: Toy's Story by Brenda Stokes Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee
undeniable swag, Teddy according to Logic is an exceptional football player but a world class womanizing ass in addition to being one of his b est friends. Branded by his friends as, Mr. Nigga, and That Nigga and my personal favorite Super Nigga, need I say much more about the Teddy Bear?  
    Dorian's eyes grew as big as alien flying saucers as he opened the door and welcomed us into his beautiful home.   He grinned from ear to ear as he gave Logic his silent approval of me. “ What ’ s up Big Money? You look good, but she looks a hell of a lot finer. ” He joked. Come on in. ”
    Obviously doing very well for themselves the Swanns lived in an upscale contemporary home in the suburbs of Baltimore. In fact it was less than a mile or two from Logic ’ s Home.
    “ I hope so. Who ’ d want a woman as ugly as me? ” Logic teased.
    “ Hey what's up man ? We weren't sure if you were going to stop through. ”
    “ I told you we were coming. ” Logic responded as he gave Dorian some dap.
    “ Here let me take your beautiful coat. Ms uh ...? ” He offered as he hinted for Logic to introduce him.
    “ Dorian this is my lady Zatoya Water's. Zatoya is a Public Defender in DC. Zatoya this is Dorian, my attorney and a very close friend . ”
    “ I know your name. I was just kidding around. It's good to finally meet you. He hasn't stopped dropping your name since the two of you met. ”
    Logic quickly flashed Dorian a, “ Shut the fuck up look , ” which I totally chose to ignore.
    “ Thanks it's so nice to meet you too. ” I said as I gave him my coat.
    “ Logic, she's even more beautiful than I could have imagined. I know you said that she was fine, but damn! ”
    “ Nigga, will you please stop embarrassing me? ” Logic chuckled. “ Have some respect. ”
    “ Oh, I ’ m sorry Zatoya. No disrespect, but you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman. ”
    “ Thanks. ” I humbly smiled.
    “ She i s amazing. ” Logic agreed as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and hugged me close from behind . “ Who else is here Dee? ” He asked as he looked around. “ Is Teddy here? ”
    “ He's been on his way from the hotel for the past four hours. ”
    “ Why'd he stay at the hotel ? I told him he could stay at my place. ”
    “ You know better than to even ask that bullshit. ” Dorian laughed. “ They ’ d lock your ass up for running a hoe house. Leave his ass at the hotel where he belongs. ”
    “ Yeah, I guess you're right about that. ”
    “ Everybody else is in the family room. Go ahead, you know the way. Wow, this is a really nice coat. ” He said as he tried to stuff my new faux mink coat in the crowed foyer closet. “ On second thought , I'll just put it in my study. ”
    Logic took my hand and cautiously led me to the great room. Understandably we were both as nervous as the Choir Director caught turning tricks in the choir loft. Granted I looked freaking incredible. All of those trips to the gym and health spa really paid off. My designer, original dress fit me like it was exclusively made for my body. Still that was just going to give the women more reasons to hate me.
    “ I'm afraid .” I whispered , pulling Logic back before we entered the room.
    “ Of what? ” He asked. “ Don't be... These are my friends. If I like you then they'll love you. Okay? ” He responded as he pulled me in to his strong , masculine arms and comforted me, by rubbing the small of my back. “ They only want the best for me and right now, that's you. Okay? ”
    “ Yeah, but w hat if they don't like me? Logic all of this is too soon. I feel like a crazy ass fool. I fuckin can't believe that I quit my job to move to Vegas. I can ’ t do this. I must have lost my fuckin mind. Oh my God. I quit my job. What am I going to do? ”
    “ Toy, where did we promise to leave the box? ” He teased.
    “… Beneath the Christmas tree until after New Years. ” I mumbled as he pressed his soft lips against mine, before kissing

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