The Bikini Diaries

Free The Bikini Diaries by Lacey Alexander, cey Alexander

Book: The Bikini Diaries by Lacey Alexander, cey Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Alexander, cey Alexander
    He took it, but instead of shaking it, bent to kiss it, then said, "The pleasure's all mine," in a way that curled seductively through her, even as she saw Brandon rolling his eyes with a slight laugh.
    After that, Pete informed Brandon that he'd invited Wendy parasailing, but Brandon just
    grinned and said, "Maybe another day. She's got other plans right now."
    Shifting in her chair, and enjoying the rush of sexual adrenaline, she raised her eyebrows.
    "Oh, do I now?"
    But her tone didn't quell him at all. He simply said, "Yes, bunny. You're spending the afternoon with me."
    Brandon couldn't resist wrapping around her from behind in the water, glad the surf was
    calm today, letting him play with her in the ocean without having to worry about them
    getting crushed by a wave. Damn, she felt good in his arms. And damn, she looked fine
    in that bikini. He was still basking in the masculine arrogance of finding her on the
    beach—just where he'd told her he'd look for her.
    Beneath the clear water's surface, he splayed the fingers of both hands across her smooth stomach, letting one thumb flirt with the underside of her breast. He wondered if she
    could feel him getting hard against her ass, just from touching her.
    "Mmm," she sighed, leaning back against him as he rained a few soft, openmouthed kisses across her neck, shoulder.
    "I'm glad you decided to come to the beach today," he rasped in her ear.
    Still in his embrace, she turned toward him with a smile. "I guess you think that's because of you."
    He shrugged easily. "I think it's because you want what I promised you last night."
    "What if I do?" She still sounded as cool and aloof as she had walking back to her room after fucking him.
    He leaned near her ear once more, tightened his grip around her waist to lift her slightly as a small wave rolled past, and whispered, "Then you won't be disappointed."
    Glancing down over her shoulder, he couldn't help appreciating the view. Her nipples
    were prettily hard, jutting against the black Lycra of her sexy top, which bared nearly as much of her breasts as it covered. "You have amazing tits," he growled in her ear, pleased to have found out last night that she liked talking dirty just as much as he did.
    She answered by turning her head toward him once more and lifting one hand to his
    cheek to pull him into a warm, lingering tongue kiss that made his cock even stiffer.
    Without thought, he followed the instinct to let his palm glide downward over her
    stomach until it snaked onto the fabric between her legs. She sucked in her breath at the touch, and he began to rub his fingers in little circles over her clit, his middle finger sinking into the valley of her slit even through her bikini bottom.
    "Ohhh..." she purred, moving against his touch in front, his erection in back. "Oh... God."
    "Does my hot little beach bunny like that?" he said low in her ear.
    "Brandon," she began, sounding short of breath. "I... we... there are people around."
    Ah. He knew she wasn't really a bad girl, deep down. A truly bad-to-the-core girl wouldn't give a damn. "But they're all far away."
    She looked to the nearest swimmers—a teenage couple about thirty yards to their right
    and, probably more troubling to her, a family complete with two kids slightly closer to
    shore than the couple. "Far is a relative term."
    He chuckled softly to himself, still stroking her sweet pussy under the water. "No one's watching, trust me."
    She looked at him over her shoulder. "You've clearly done this before."
    He couldn't help giving another light shrug. "Jealous, bunny?"
    She blinked. "How could I be jealous? We just met. In fact, I'm glad."
    Brandon raised his eyebrows. "Glad?"
    "I like a guy who knows what he's doing." With that, she turned back around, facing away from him, as he continued to rub her.
    "Well, you're in luck," he said. "Because I definitely know what I'm doing." Just then, another low wave rolled in, and he lifted her lightly to carry them

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