Suicide Serial
this big kitchen knife. I turned around and ran as fast as I could to my house and told Daddy. I don’t know if he ran after me or not. I never even looked back. The next day the police were there and talked to me and they took him away. The family moved to the other side of the town and Henry stopped going to our school. I never heard from or saw him again. Until now.”
    Stacey regained her composure and performed another quick search of the DMV database. It revealed an old license photograph of their suspect. The information matched what Stacey had told Jake. His name was Henry Engel, and he was now twenty-nine years old. The address on the license did not match his father’s, as it was issued before the family had moved away.
    The team now had everything they needed to obtain a warrant to search the home of Fredrich Engel. Jake donned his bullet-proof vest and checked his weapon before re-holstering it. “I’ll notify the chief. He’ll want to send SWAT out there. Let’s go bag this guy. I can’t wait to get cuffs on him and get him in the box.”

Chapter 9
    The WPD SWAT team vans screeched to a stop right outside the Engel residence. The armored van’s doors slid open and the SWAT team rushed the house. A police helicopter was hovering loudly just overhead. The house was a large, modern-style single story with a grey, rusted 1993 Buick Regal parked in the driveway. Jake and Stacey jumped out of their cruiser and stood by with their guns drawn, at the ready.
    SWAT broke off into two teams. One team headed straight to the front door with a battering ram and the other team went around the rear of the house carrying a hook and chain that was attached to the van. Radios were chattering orders and communication all around them as the detectives kept a close eye on the surrounding area. One of the guys from SWAT gave the countdown at the front door. Within seconds the front and back doors were both torn off their hinges and SWAT flooded into the house.
    The waiting was tense for a few minutes as SWAT cleared the home. The detectives gripped their firearms tightly, waiting for any moment to hear shots ring out, but the shots never came. Over the radio finally came a voice announcing, “All clear, all clear. No suspects in residence. One code 27.” SWAT team members had slung their weapons and began to exit the house.
    The SWAT lieutenant stopped outside the front door, and while wiping out his goggles told Jake, “The house is totally clear. I saw one dead body inside that big office in there.” He took off his helmet and brushed the sweat out of his hair, continuing, “Phew. Man, you guys got your work cut out for you. There’s some seriously disturbing shit inside that house. Good luck, Harris.” The lieutenant just shook his head and walked away. Jake didn’t know whether to be worried or thankful. Jake and Stacey put away their firearms and proceeded to enter.
    The interior was musty, like the air had not moved for quite some time. The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes and trash littered the floor. No lights were on, but all of the curtains were open, allowing ample sunlight to enter. Tiny particles of dust that had been kicked up by the assault team floated through the sunlight coming in through the windows. The entire house was still and quiet.
    There was a pungent, distinctive aroma in the air, which got stronger as the duo approached the study. Opening the door, the reason for the horrible smell was immediately apparent. The dead body of Fredrich Engel was seated in his leather chair, turning black from decomposition. His mass of white hair fell down around his head on both sides. The back of his skull had exploded out from a self-inflicted gunshot wound through the mouth. Dried spatters of blood and bits of bone had showered the headrest of the chair. He was slumped over and wearing a stained white shirt and black tie. Laid out on the table in front

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