Return of the Ravens (Ulfrik Ormsson's Saga Book 6)

Free Return of the Ravens (Ulfrik Ormsson's Saga Book 6) by Jerry Autieri

Book: Return of the Ravens (Ulfrik Ormsson's Saga Book 6) by Jerry Autieri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Autieri
sons, of course I should know." Runa twisted on the bench, meeting his eyes for the first time in days. "Are you planning something special? You've never cared where either of them are."
    "A lie," he said. The servant girl ladled hot soup into their bowls then slipped away like a doe fleeing the signs of a forest fire. Runa watched her and Groa gather their baskets and retreat from the hall. Konal snorted at their leaving. "Worrisome gossips, those two."
    They ate in silence, the hall empty but for one of Konal's men seated with his head down at the far end of the hall. Too much salt had accumulated at the bottom of the bowl and Runa wrinkled her nose at the taste of it. Konal picked his up and drained it, then slammed it on that table.
    "I've still not decided what to do. But I want Aren here at least before I make final choices."
    Runa nodded and watched flecks of cabbage swirl in the last of her soup.
    "I will be away for a few days." He stood and stretched again. "Try not to miss me."
    "Where do you go?"
    "A short patrol of the countryside. I don't expect trouble, but men will remain behind with you. I'll be leaving before sunset today."
    She watched him stalk off to their bedroom to prepare. The hall was empty but for the one sleeping guard. She slumped at her bench and considered the opening this left for her. As far as she could determine, Konal carried his newly discovered gems on himself at all times. Yet he would never risk bringing these into the field, which meant he would hide them before leaving. This was going to be her final chance to do anything before he decided upon whatever he intended to do about her so-called betrayal. Unless she took advantage of this, she would be at his mercy--a quality in dwindling supply of late. Furthermore, his desire to have her sons with him on the day of his decision made Runa's throat constrict. A dozen terrible thoughts filled her imagination, and she shook her head to clear them.
    She had to steal back her jewels and intercept Aren before his return. Together they would seek shelter with Einar, who also knew the history of these gems and what they had meant to Ulfrik. He would protect her out of a sense of duty and was the only person she trusted to not be tempted by the fortune she would be carrying.
    Otherwise, to fail would bring disaster to not only herself but her children as well. She collected the bowls from the table and dropped them into a bucket as she left the hall. She had to find help to ensure she did not fail.

    Ulfrik threw the last branch across the wagon, then stepped back to judge his success. At nine paces back he paused and folded his arms, satisfied the wagon melted into the underbrush off the side of the track. The late afternoon shadows cloaked it and overnight it would be invisible to human eyes. Wolves and bears would not roam so close to settlements, at least not in summer, yet the possibility existed. He had no answer for that problem. Too many other difficulties already pressed him from every side.
    He returned to the cart and pulled off the branch he had just placed. Finn remained stripped to the waist, glistening with sweat, and resting on his stomach in the back of the cart. The bandages around his trunk showed brown spotting even though he had just changed them. The infection had been a violent red and even to brush the flesh made Finn moan. Ulfrik feared a critical line had been crossed and Finn could no longer be saved.
    "I'll only be gone this night, and by tomorrow morning you'll be in Hrolf the Strider's hall or I'll be dead." Ulfrik patted Finn's calf. "In that case, we'll meet in the feasting hall where all heroes await Ragnarok."
    "Who's Ragnar?" Finn's fever had rendered him senseless most of the time, though at least he still understood the gist of his condition, which Ulfrik took for a positive sign.
    "All the water and ale is an arm's reach away. Just

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