
Free Hover by Anne A. Wilson

Book: Hover by Anne A. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne A. Wilson
their gaits challenged, as well.
    It makes me feel better when Eric has to brace himself against the open hangar door before stepping through. “I need to stop by Captain Plank’s office on the way,” he says over his shoulder.
    â€œOkay,” I say. And it is okay. Like really okay. The sensation couldn’t be stranger, but walking with him, I feel lifted or … or something.
    We stumble through several passageways as we make our way forward, leaning sideways and reaching out to the bulkheads for support.
    â€œGeez!” he says, with a chuckle, accelerating forward as the ship pitches down, reaching for the handle of an open hatchway to steady himself.
    â€œGuess Brian was right about the weather getting worse,” I say, catching up.
    â€œPeople would probably pay for a ride like this,” he says.
    â€œNo kidding,” I say, my legs planted wide, hands gripping the hatch opening. The bow begins to rise again, and I regain stability for a moment.
    â€œAfter you,” he says, standing aside. I step through the hatch into the ladder well that leads one deck up to the commanding officer’s stateroom.
    I reach for the ladder rail to begin climbing, and the ship lurches, pitching steeply downward once more.
    â€œHo—!” Eric blurts out before slamming into me from behind.
    We stumble sideways and my hands fly out to grab something, anything. The next thing I know, we’re righting ourselves, our hands latched onto the arms of the other.
    â€œSorry about that,” he says with a laugh.
    â€œNo worries,” I say.
    â€œWait, hang on,” he says. We remain braced, hands to each other’s upper arms, as the ship rolls through another monstrous swell. “There we go,” he says, as the ship somewhat steadies. “You all right?”
    â€œYeah,” I say, looking up to meet his eyes. “You?”
    â€œYeah,” he says.
    We stand like this a few seconds longer than necessary, before reacting like we’ve each touched a hot stove, abruptly letting go.
    â€œUh, right then,” I say, turning to climb the ladder.
    I shake my head to clear it, stepping off the last rung, pressing myself into the corner of the ladder well to wait for Eric.
    â€œI think this ship puts the roller coaster at the Mall of America to shame,” I say when he arrives.
    â€œI don’t doubt it,” he says. “Although I’ve never been to the Mall of America, just heard about it.” He turns right, down the last, even narrower, passageway that leads to Captain Plank’s stateroom. “You’re from Minnesota, then?” he asks.
    â€œSort of,” I say, grasping the rails on either side, advancing hand by hand. “We moved around a lot, but that was the last place I lived before entering the navy, so I call it home. And my parents still live there, so yeah, I guess that’s home.”
    â€œWell, it looks like you’re going to have a lot to write home to your friends about. I doubt they’ve ever experienced anything like this.”
    Friends … What do I say to this? I’ve never really had too many friends. All along, I’ve blamed it on the fact that my military family had to move so much when I was growing up. But I know it’s more me than anything—ever the introvert. Besides, I never felt the pressing need to make friends since I always had my brother.…
    I don’t realize Eric has stopped in front of Captain Plank’s door until I nearly run into him.
    â€œSara?” he asks.
    â€œYou okay?”
    I blink, my brother’s face disappearing from my imaginings, and return my focus to Eric. “Um, yes. Yes.”
    He furrows his brow slightly as he turns to knock on the door.
    â€œSir, it’s Lieutenant Marxen and Lieutenant Denning.”
    â€œCome in,” Captain Plank answers.
    Eric holds the door open for me to walk through, and while

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