Submission: Guilty Pleasures #3 (BBW Erotic Romance)
watching me.
    I cocked my head. “What?”
    “You. And this...” He shook his
head. His voice was rough when he spoke. I had the impression he was holding
back tears.
    “This...where you go, where I send
you. That I can give you this, just by being with you, by making love to you.”
He shook his head.
    “What you do to me, Abby.” His
eyes were soft. “What you do to me is the most wonderful thing a man could ask
    And he buried his face against me
then, his body tense, moving quickly inside me. And he took his release then,
his body trembling, crying out as he filled me with his heat, his tears warm on
my neck.
    It was a long time before we fell
asleep, both of us unable to get enough of the other, both of us finally
sensing there was nothing between us, nothing to keep us from loving one
    T he sunlight through the windows
woke me. Chase must have pulled the drapes open after he got up .
    I stretched, the cat grumbling as
my feet unearthed him from the covers.
    “Get up, lazy cat. There are
things to do...mice to catch, bugs to chase...all that nifty stuff you get to do
    He looked at me, yawned and curled
up on Chase’s side of the bed.
    “Who are you talking to?”
    Chase was leaning against the
doorframe, jeans and shirt already slightly dusty, smelling vaguely of hay and
    “The cat. Why are you up so early?
And why didn’t you wake me?”
    I sat up in bed, holding my arms
out to Chase. “Come wake me up...” I smiled, but Chase stood in the doorway.
    “Nope, not today. I have other
plans...for you.” He crossed the room, pulling the blankets off the bed.
    “Come on, get dressed. I’ve got
something to show you.”
    T he barns were cool and shady in
contrast to the blazing sun outside. I’d brought an apple for Celeste and she
accepted it without hesitation. It had taken her a couple weeks to get used to
me, but she seems to have forgiven me for replacing her in Chase’s heart.
    Chase led me down the row of box
stalls to the other end from Celeste’s stall. There was an unfamiliar whiny and
stomping coming from one of the stalls.
    “Did you get another filly for
breeding?” Chase had bred Abby’s Smile recently so it seemed odd he’d have
bought another so soon.
    “Not quite...” Chase being
mysterious drove me nuts.
    “What is it? Or who is it? Another
    He smiled, taking me by the hand.
“Come on.”
    He opened the top half of the door
to the last stall. There was a beautiful horse, a chestnut mare, looking around
at her surroundings, obviously new to the ranch.
    “Well, what do you think?” Chase
leaned on the door, looking at me, not the horse.
    “I think she’s a nice horse. You
know I don’t know anything about horses though.” I turned to him.
    “Why ask me?”
    “Because she’s yours, Abby. I
bought her for you, to ride, to pet, to feed apples to.” He pulled a shiny red
apple out of his pocket, handing it to me.
    “Here. See how she likes you.”
    I was staring open-mouthed. “You
bought me a horse?”
    Chase laughed. “Yes, Abby. It’s
what I do. I buy horses. And I buy things for you. So, I bought you a horse.”
    The apple was cool in my hand. I
held it out tentatively toward the horse. She ambled over, sniffed the apple
and then bit it in half. She chewed contently for a moment before taking the
rest from me. I reached out to pat her nose and she snorted against my hand,
looking for another apple.
    “Well, I guess that’s a positive
sign.” I laughed, the horse nosing my hand.
    Chase put his arm around my
shoulder. “I want you to learn to ride so you’re comfortable around these
things. Plus, you need something besides that mangy cat to keep you occupied.”
    He turned me to him. “I know it’s
been a big adjustment, being out on the ranch so much. I wanted to give you
something that made you feel you were part of the place, not just a guest. If
you don’t like

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