    The Rider Groups, the centaurs, and half of Third Company were given places along the crescent. Raoul would command the fifty men of the Own in the field. Flyndan and the rest of Third Company would make a fast ride at dawn, slipping far around the bandits to reach Owlshollow. The robbers would never realize the trap was set until it closed.
    As everyone prepared to go, Raoul said, “Kel, you’ll report to Captain Flyndan and his sergeants.”
    Kel and Flyn stared at him. Flyn protested, “She’s your squire, my lord - “
    Raoul shook his head. “I want her with you.”
    One of the first lessons pages learned was never to question a knight-master’s command. One pleading look was all Kel allowed herself before she began to clean off the table. By the time she was done, everyone had gone to their beds. She went in search of hers.
    Raoul crouched between his tent and Kel’s, giving Jump a thorough scratch. “Walk with me,” he told her, rising to his feet. They strolled across the large clearing that held their camp.
    Raoul finally stopped to lean against a massive oak. “You want to know why I’m sending you with Flyn.”
    “Sir, I’m to obey without question,” Kel pointed out, though she did want to know.
    “That’s fine if you’re to be a lone knight - you have to figure out things yourself,” he said quietly. “But if you get extra duties someday - like command - you should know why you’re asked to do some things, particularly those that aren’t part of regular training. Putting you with Flyn at Owlshollow accomplishes two goals,” he explained. “You’ll deal with his not liking you. He’ll probably give you scout work. You need to show you’ll do your part no matter what. Plenty of nobles won’t take orders from a commoner, and they balk when there’s no potential for glory. You need to show that you’ll do what’s needed, not just for me, but for others. And I’ll see how Flyn manages you, if you change his thinking at all. I know you want to be among the hounds, but trust me, this is important.”
    Kel nodded. She understood his reasoning, though she hated the assignment. And she still couldn’t argue, because proper squires didn’t.
    Raoul clasped her shoulder lightly and let go. “There will be other chases,” he said. “Now get some sleep.”
    Owlshollow was larger than Haresfield, and better fortified, with a double stockade wall to shield it. Late that first morning within the walls Flyn called a meeting with the men of the Own and the town’s officials. The squads would wear farmers’ clothes over their mail and work in the fields, so anyone who scouted would think all was normal. Flyn gave each squad a position, then looked at the townsmen. “Did we forget anything?” he asked. “Any side trail, any hole that might let a few escape?”
    The chief herdsman was in a whispered argument with the son who had accompanied him. Finally he sighed and looked at Flyn. “My son Bernin reminds me of the old game track, b’tween the bluffs an’ the marsh. It’s overgrown - I don’t know how bandits from outside would know of ‘t, or see ‘t to escape.”
    “If I’ve learned nothing else in my years of service, master herdsman, it’s that the unexpected always happens,” replied Flyn. “I would hate for even a single louse to escape.” He looked around until his eyes found Kel. “Have your son show this track to Squire Keladry. That will be her post when things warm up.”
    Kel left with the shepherd lad Bernin, swallowing disappointment again. She’d hoped that Flyndan would relent and let her take part in the main fight. There’s a waste of hope, she thought bitterly.
    As Bernin led her through the gates, he kept peering at her. Finally, as they trudged around the outermost wall, he asked, “I’n't Keladry a girl’s name?”
    Bernin was right. The trail was clearly still used, by animals if not people. Someone desperate could take it to reach the river. A

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