Take Her to HeVan (Nephilim Book 6)
wash all the new clothes I bought for you before you could wear them,” she said as she took a tag off a pair of jeans before tossing them in the washer.
    “You bought clothes for me?” he asked.
    “Of course. You only had three changes of clothes. That’s not enough,” she said. She added soap, closed the washer, and started it.
    Karlo was once again struck at how thoughtful and wonderful Marla was to him.
    “Come with me,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her back to the kitchen. He pulled out one of the chairs and by applying some pressure to her shoulder, got her to sit.
    Karlo then got down on one knee in front of Marla the way Jim had told him to do.
    “Marla Jones, will you marry me on Monday and be mine?” he asked her.
    Marla burst into tears. Not a reaction Jim Tucker had led him to expect. He didn’t know what to do, so he did the only thing he could think of. He picked her up and sat down with her in his lap. He held her while she sobbed into his shirt. He kept running his hand up and down her back. She was trying to talk as she cried, but he couldn’t understand anything she was trying to say, her words were too garbled. He didn’t even try to listen, only concentrating on comforting her.
    After a few minutes she stopped crying. She didn’t say anything. She stood and went into the bathroom. He could hear her blowing her nose and then the water running. A few minutes later she came back into the kitchen.
    “I’m so sorry. All I did was lie to you over and over again. I played a despicable trick on you. I don’t know why you would ask me to marry you. I’m a horrible person,” she wailed.
    She was having a total meltdown. The guilt of all her lies was crushing her.
    “I don’t understand. Does this mean you don’t want to marry with me?” he asked.
    She just couldn’t live with herself if she actually married him under false pretenses. Especially after having made love with him. She had decided then she needed to tell him the truth. It couldn’t wait until after dinner.
    “Come with me,” she said. She pulled on her coat and grabbed the large flashlight.
    Karlo had no idea what she was doing. He just followed along, willing to go wherever she wanted to lead him. He was surprised when she led him to the hay barn, and walked around the back. He’d been meaning to ask her how she got that hole in the back wall.
    Marla looked over at Karlo, then she bent down and picked up a handful of dirt. Shining her flashlight into the barn, she threw the dirt into the opening. Karlo was shocked when the dirt seemed to hit something in mid-air and then fall to the ground.
    “What the hell?” he asked.
    “That’s my line. It’s the vehicle you arrived in. You crashed into the barn. When I came out of the house, it was visible. It’s really high-tech, some kind of experimental craft. I’m sure people are looking for it and you. Rusty led me to you. You had tried to leave, and you were lying half in and half out of the doorway. The on-board computer helped me figure out how to help you. It diagnosed your health and sent out a distress signal. People might show up at any time,” she said.
    She took him back to the house and went on to explain everything she’s done and exactly how she had lied to him.
    “Well, I am glad I didn’t betray you,” he said when she finished talking.
    “I tell you how you arrived in an obviously classified craft of some kind. I lied to you and I tricked you; and that’s all you have to say?” She was shocked at his easy acceptance of her awful behavior.
    “It was really bothering me. I couldn’t understand how anyone could act so dishonorably, especially to you. I’m happy to find out I didn’t cheat on you. As to the other stuff, you said the computer sent out a distress call. We’ll just have to wait to see who shows up. I have a great excuse for not calling in with my memory gone. I don’t see any reason why we can’t get married on Monday as

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