Shelter You

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Book: Shelter You by Alice Montalvo-Tribue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Montalvo-Tribue
with little strings of conversation here and there. We’re just about done when he finally asks about my day.
    “How was work?”
    “It was okay,” I say, taking a final sip of my drink. I stand up, taking my plate and his to the sink. “I think Sarah was kind of shocked that I was driving your car. She was even more stunned by the fact that I’m staying here.” There’s a question hidden in that statement and I know he gets it. I turn on the water and begin to rinse off the plates.
    He comes up behind me, reaching over me to put the glasses in the sink but doesn’t move away. I clutch the sponge in my hand for dear life, the proximity of our bodies causes my breath to hitch, and a rush of warmth floods my belly causing butterflies to take flight. Logan’s left hand rests on the edge of the sink and his right grazes my hips, initiating a whole slew of sensations that I’ve never felt before.
    “Mia,” he says softly. If he were to move another inch his lips would be touching my ear. “Sarah is my sister’s best friend, she’s my friend, there’s nothing between us.”
    I shrug at his response, feigning disinterest but secretly elated by his answer to my hidden question. “It’s really none of my business.”
    He turns the water off and takes the sponge out of my hand, tossing it back into the sink. His hand on my hip pulls at me, guiding my body to turn around until we’re standing face to face and inappropriately close. “So you wouldn’t care if I told you that I did have a relationship with Sarah?”
    “Why would I care, Logan?” I ask, averting my gaze.
    “Look at me, Mia.” I do as he asks, our gazes lock but neither of us makes a move, our bodies are frozen trying to comprehend the electric charge between us.
    “Did you?” I whisper.
    “Did I what?”
    I let out a huff. I know he’s doing this on purpose; he wants me to say it. “Did you have a relationship with Sarah? Did you sleep with her?”
    A hint of a wicked smile tugs at his lips. He pulls a strand of my hair between his thumb and his forefinger as if he were examining it for a moment then he gently pushes it behind my ear, his touch makes my body go on hyper alert, my most sensitive areas coming to life. His gaze drops to my lips then quickly rises back up until our eyes are locked on each other. He shakes his head. “No. I never had a relationship with Sarah. I’ve never slept with her.”
    I force my features to remain neutral but I think he can sense my relief, and I’m almost positive that he enjoys my reaction. His fingers gently stroke my cheek and I can’t help but to lean into his touch, I’m lost in it, no longer in control of my actions or reactions. I tilt my head up, push off of the counter and onto my tiptoes and before I can think it through mesh my lips to his. His hands grab onto my hips, pushing me back down again until I’m leaning against the sink. He follows me down, using his strength to take control of the kiss, using his tongue to coax my mouth open and slowly guiding it into my mouth. And just like that my crush on Logan is gone, replaced with lust and few other emotions that I have no desire to think about. My arms slide around his neck as his slip around my waist pulling me closer to him uniting us like two puzzle pieces locking together. It’s a brilliant rainbow in an otherwise dark and cloudy day. I never knew a kiss could be like this it feels like more. It’s as if though I’m opening up a part of me to Logan that no one else has ever been privy to and he’s doing the same for me. It excites me and scares me at the same time; no one has ever ignited the fire inside of me the way that he does.
    The sound of Lily crying comes through the baby monitor that I brought downstairs with me earlier. I pull away from Logan and instantly the spell is broken, it’s as if someone has thrown a bucket of cold water over my head. I can’t tell by looking at him what he’s thinking but I can only assume

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