Shelter You

Free Shelter You by Alice Montalvo-Tribue

Book: Shelter You by Alice Montalvo-Tribue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Montalvo-Tribue
had so many dreams: I dreamt of going away to college, starting a career and making a life for myself apart from my family. I dreamt of finding an amazing man and falling in love. All the dreams of a girl that were viciously ripped away from her.
    “My dreams don’t really matter anymore. All I can do is make sure that Lily has the chance to make her dreams come true.”
    “That’s not true. You’re young, you can do whatever you want.”
    “How old are you, Logan?”
    “I’m twenty four. Why?”
    “At age twenty four you have two cars, a home, and a career. What you don’t have is a lack of a college degree, an apartment in shambles, and a baby. You can do whatever you want. I can’t,” I say, knowing all too well that my options were taken away from me, my hands tied. I took back what I could the day I snatched up my daughter and ran. I took back some control but I also signed up for what promises to be a very difficult life.
    “What is it that you want?” The tone of sadness returning to his voice.
    “Did you know that I had my choice of colleges?”
    “You can still go to college, Mia. It might just take you a little longer, but you can make it happen. There are programs for people with children and families.” He says the words but I’m not sure he believes them himself. Not really. He’s saying what he’s supposed to say, words to motivate and inspire me, but in what reality does a single eighteen year old mother get to achieve all of her wildest dreams?
    “My focus has shifted. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
    “No, there is nothing wrong with that as long as that’s what you want,” he says, just as I turn into his driveway.
    “So? Did I pass? Do I get to use your car for work?”
    “Yeah. You did great, passed with flying colors,” he says, making me grateful that he allows me to drop the previous topic of conversation.

    I get to work bright and early the next day. True to his word, Logan gave me full use of his spare car. He made sure to fill up the gas tank, and got Lily’s car seat secured in the back seat last night. I spent most of the night hiding in my room—pretending to read a book, because it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to be around him without letting my imagination get the best of me. He sparks something in me, brings something to life that’s been lying dormant. I could have sworn that I caught him casting glances at me from across the table at dinner last night but I can’t be sure and I’m not confident enough to act on my own urges.
    I’m working the front desk this morning since the normal receptionist is out sick. I prefer being in class with the children, but I do whatever they ask of me because I need the job.
    “Good morning Mia,” Sarah says as she enters the front door. She sets her oversized sunglasses down on the desk and tilts her head looking somewhat confused. “Is Officer Tate here for something? His car is in the parking lot.”
    The fact that she can specifically pick his car out of a parking lot full of vehicles intrigues me. “No, Logan’s not here, I drove his car here.”
    Something resembling jealousy flashes over her features. She purses her lips and gives me a tight smile.
    I know I could have explained the circumstances better, let her know the reason why I’m driving Logan’s car instead of walking to work, but a part of me wanted to witness what Sarah’s natural reaction would be. The frozen look on her face and stiff posture speaks volumes, and as grateful as I am to her for the giving me a job and keeping my secret, I can tell I need to be on alert now. The nature of our friendly relationship may have just shifted.
    “You’re on a first name basis with him? I hadn’t realized you two had gotten that close. Does he know the truth about you, Mia ?”
    I don’t respond to her question right away, I understand the hidden meaning behind it. She’s threatening to tell him, but I give her a bright smile.

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