Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)

Free Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) by Tina Folsom

Book: Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) by Tina Folsom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Folsom
Tags: Romance
Isabelle is a hybrid.”
    Thomas swiveled his chair around. “Yeah, but did he know that Katie isn’t a hybrid? If he’s an obsessed fan and never met her face-to-face, how would he know that she isn’t a hybrid? If he’s seen her on TV or in the movies, he wouldn’t be able to tell. The cameras can’t catch a vampire’s aura, nor a vampire’s scent.”
    “Well, it doesn’t matter now, why or how. He got the wrong woman. We’ve gotta find him and get Isabelle back, before he realizes she isn’t Katie and hurts her.” Blake pulled out his cell. “We’ll start with the letters.” He dialed Katie’s number. “Let’s pull prints off them, run them through the databases, and see whether we can narrow our search area with the help of the postmarks. I doubt he’ll have written his address on the envelopes.” The phone continued to ring in his ear. “Come on, Katie, pick up!”
    Thomas nodded in encouragement. “We’ll analyze the letters. Maybe he left some clues in his writing. Stalkers like to show their superiority. They think they’ll never be caught, so they play with their prey. If there’s something in there, we’ll find it.”
    “You’ve reached Katie, please leave a message.” Beep.
    “Crap!” Blake cursed. “Katie, I got your message. Call me immediately. We need those letters.” He disconnected the call and looked back at his two colleagues. “Do you know where Wesley is? Wasn’t he supposed to take Katie home?”
    “He’s probably still at the university with John, interrogating the audience and the student actors. The forensics team sent the first batch of fingerprints back and we’re running them through the system. We’re still waiting for the students and stagehands and anybody else who’s been backstage to be fingerprinted so we can eliminate their prints and isolate the perpetrator’s. Isabelle’s we have on file.”
    Blake nodded, drawing in a few breaths. Just like they had DNA samples of every member of Scanguards and their families in a vault in the basement. “Good. I know you guys are on top of it, but I need everybody to give more than their best in this case. Isabelle is in danger. And I know she’s scared. We have to bring her home. That’s our first priority. I don’t care what we have to do, on whose toes we need to step, or what laws we need to break to make that happen.”
    “We all feel the same,” Eddie said, exchanging a look with Thomas. “Isabelle is just as much our family as the rest of Scanguards.”
    “Katie needs protection,” Thomas added, rising from his chair. “You want me to assign a security detail to her? Once the kidnapper realizes he’s got the wrong girl, he’ll be making another attempt.”
    Blake could only agree with Thomas’s thought process. “Yes, find out from Wesley where she is. Let’s get those letters from her. And then Jake will guard Katie at her house.”
    “Consider it done,” Thomas said.
    A knock at the door made them all turn.
    “Come in,” Thomas answered.
    The door opened and Haven entered. His gaze immediately fell on Blake. “Thought I’d find you here.”
    “You’re back already? What about the lead?”
    Haven shook his head, regret in his eyes. “Sorry, false alarm. It was a case of domestic violence. It wasn’t Isabelle. We sorted the jerk out for kicking his girlfriend around, but the two had nothing to do with Isabelle’s abduction.” He motioned to Thomas and Eddie. “Anything new here?”
    Thomas and Eddie remained silent, their gazes shifting to Blake.
    Blake sighed. “I’m afraid so. We just figured out that Isabelle wasn’t the target.”
    Haven’s forehead furrowed. “But if she wasn’t, then who was?”
    “Fuck!” Haven cursed and turned back to the door.
    “What are you doing?”
    Haven ripped the door open and looked over his shoulder. “She was in the observation room earlier. I’ve gotta get her and protect her.”
    Haven raced into the corridor and

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