French Connection Vol. 3

Free French Connection Vol. 3 by M. S. Parker

Book: French Connection Vol. 3 by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
things, however.
    “Okay,” I said. I kept my voice flat, not wanting Alizee to know how much this was costing me. “I'll do it.” The words were sour in my mouth. “I'll fuck you.”

Chapter 13
    It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be to find where Alizee was stashing Gavin. I couldn't take super-sleuth credit though. I just spotted the security guard standing in front of a hallway vacant of people. If he'd only been looking toward the party and blocking the hallway from wandering party goers, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but the way he kept glancing behind him indicated there was someone back there.
    I kept near the wall as I made my way along the edge of the crowd toward the guard. As I grew closer, I could see him shift his weight from one foot to the other as if he was nervous. A thin sheen of sweat coated his forehead.
    He turned as I approached and rattled something off in French. I held up a hand so there was no mistaking my meaning.
    “Look.” I pitched my voice low so no one else could hear me. “I’ve been watching you for a while. You're so hot. Have you ever had sex with an American woman? ”
    “American?” His English was heavy accented, but understandable. “You think you are better than a French woman?” He laughed.
    I grabbed his crotch and leaned in closely to whisper in his ear, “If you’ve never tried, how would you know? Are you willing to take the chance you'll miss out on something amazing? I’ll blow you mind, among other things.”
    He didn’t reply, but I could feel him getting harder. That was answer enough.
    “I tell you what. Meet me in that room and I’ll show you what a real woman can do to a hot, strong stud like you.” I nodded in the direction of one of the rooms behind him.
    He waited for a moment, then nodded and turned aside to let me pass.
    “Give me five minutes to get ready, hun.” I winked as I walked into the hallway. I could feel his eyes on me.
    Inside, I thought I'd have to try every room in the hall, but I quickly noticed that only one of the first four doors were closed. I doubted Alizee would've stationed the guard so far up in the hall if she was down at the other end. She and Gavin had to be behind the closed door.
    A locked door, I was sure. I glanced toward the guard, but he'd vanished. Probably just to the bathroom to prepare himself for what he thought was going to be the time of his life. I looked at the door again. I'd seen enough brothel raids to know I could either try to slam into it with my shoulder or I could try to kick it in. I slipped off my high heels as I weighed my choices.
    I wasn't tiny, but I was far from a large, muscular person. I wasn't sure my shoulder would have enough force behind it to break the lock. I'd had a cop once explain the best spot to kick on a door to get the right angle to break the lock. I knew I could put a lot of force behind it and that I could hit the right spot. The problem was my dress. It was far too tight for me to get my leg up where it needed to be.
    Dammit! I grabbed the slit in the side and pulled. After a moment, the seams gave and, with a tearing sound, the slit ran all the way to my waist. I was flashing my panties every time I moved, but that wasn't my concern at the moment. I had only one chance to get this right. If I didn't break the door down in a single kick, Alizee would know I was out here and that would be bad.
    I closed my eyes and took a slow breath to steady myself. “Here goes nothing,” I muttered.
    The jolt that went up my leg as my foot connected was painful, but it barely registered. I was too focused on the now open door. I raised the gun I'd stolen from Pierre and entered quickly, sweeping from side to side like I'd seen the cops do when they went after a trafficking ring.
    Alizee stood frozen, her hands inside Gavin's open shirt while his hands gripped the edge of the table behind him, as if her touch was painful.
    “Get the hell away from him!” I

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