French Connection Vol. 3

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Book: French Connection Vol. 3 by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
    Gavin was staring at me, but I didn't look at him. I kept my eyes on Alizee. She glared at me, but slowly backed away.
    “First you steal from me and now you threaten me with a gun?” Alizee eyes were flashing. “You are putting yourself into worse trouble.”
    “Shut up,” I snapped. “We both know I didn't steal anything, which means you detaining me was kidnapping.”
    “But you are carrying a firearm,” Alizee countered.
    “I took it off of the man who killed the guards you had outside my door.” I sidled around, never taking my gun off her. “Seems you have enemies in Corsica who're willing to kill to see you discredited.”
    Shock rippled across her face and, then, was gone. She hadn't known and it had thrown her off balance. That was good. I wanted her off her game.
    “I know about the human trafficking,” I said. Vincent might not like it, but it was time to put all the cards on the table. At least, our cards, I wouldn't share his secrets. Once Alizee was in custody, if Vincent wanted to accuse Alizee of killing his daughter, that was his business.
    “You know nothing,” Alize said scornfully.
    “I know you use your clubs as fronts where your clients, if they have the money, can buy sex or even a person. I know you take frequent trips on your yacht and that you have the resources and connections to make sure it's not thoroughly inspected.” I was just a few feet from Gavin now.
    “You can prove none of this,” she said, waving a dismissive hand. “My government will not take kindly to Americans accusing a citizen of such things.”
    “But we're not your only accusers,” I said. “Even so, you held both of us against our will and, the way it looked when I came in, were about to engage in sexual assault.”
    She gave me a smile meant to provoke. “He was enjoying it. In fact, he agreed to fuck me. You interrupted.”
    “Carrie, I–” Gavin started.
    “I know,” I interrupted. “Either she's lying or she threatened to kill me unless you had sex with her. I know you'd never cheat on me.” I wasn't saying it for Alizee's benefit or because this wasn't the time for this kind of discussion. I said it because it was true. I trusted that Gavin wouldn’t willingly allow Alizee to touch him.
    “Foolish,” Alizee hissed. “If you had given me what I wanted, you would have your club, money, a place in Cannes. To succeed in this business, you must be willing to do whatever it takes.”
    “No,” I disagreed. “There are lines, and you crossed them. All of them. And, right now, a friend is calling the cops. You're finished, Alizee.”
    She stared at me for a second, her face frozen. Then she let out an inarticulate cry of rage and grabbed something from where it had been leaning against a wall. I had a split second to register that it was a fireplace poker, and then she was running toward Gavin, her arm up and ready to strike.
    “Stop!” I shouted, even though I knew it would do no good. I had to give her the chance. When she didn't take it, I pulled the trigger.
    The bullet slammed into her shoulder, spinning her around. She cried out in pain, dropped the poker and then fell to the floor. I hurried over and kicked the poker away. Gavin loosened his tie, pulled it off and tied Alizee's hands together. She let out a stream of curses in several languages, but we ignored her. Gavin fastened the end of the tie to the table leg and then went in search of something to use for her legs. I kept the gun trained on her, looking up only when I heard someone at the door. It was the guard I'd talked to. He looked down at Alizee then back up at me as I now pointed the gun at him. He slowly raised his hands over his head.
    Gavin returned, grabbed the guard and tied them both securely with what looked like a curtain tie. Once that was done, he looked at me. The adrenalin rush was making my hands shake.
    He gently took the gun out of my hands. He stashed it in his belt and then wrapped his arms around

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