
Free Betrayed by Ednah Walters

Book: Betrayed by Ednah Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ednah Walters
won’t let her take him. Anguish thickened his inner voice.
    Do you want me to try? I asked.
    Bran shook his head. There’s nothing you can do. She must come out of him soon or slip into a coma with him.
    A thought occurred to me. Let me try something Haziel taught me.
    I waited until Bran nodded then raised my right hand toward possessed Gavyn. His eyes changed to gray and narrowed as though chal enging me. In that instant, I saw more of Gavyn than the demon and hesitated.
    A grin crossed his lips. “What are you going to do, little sister?”
    I trapped her psi energy and unleashed my power of persuasion. Don’t move. She attempted to defy me, but my hold was firm. A wave of my hand and the crystals scattered, breaking the cage. “I’m going to count to three. If you don’t get out of him, I wil use force. You won’t like it.”
    Possessed Gavyn smirked. “You’re not strong enough. You’re stil a trainee—” Out of him.
    His face contorted, eyes turning black.
    Pressure increased inside my head, but I didn’t let go. I tugged harder. I command you. Get. Out. Of.
    Now, I ordered. Heaves racked his body, Now, I ordered. Heaves racked his body, mouth opening. The demon came out slowly, fighting to stay inside Gavyn. Body twisted, chest lifting and sinking, he dropped to his knees, coughing out the monster. Sweat covered my skin and my head threatened to split. She was strong and stubborn, and the battle seemed endless. With a final heave, she came out of him and flowed onto the floor.
    Gavyn’s body dropped to the floor like a wet rug. I curled my fingers and kept the demon down, reached for my dagger to finish her off.
    Bran grabbed my wrist. “Let her go….this time. Someone needs to report back to Valafar.” I hesitated, briefly questioned why he didn’t want me to vanquish the demoness. Immediately, I felt horrible for doubting his motives and dropped my hand.
    The shapeless, gray mass rose from the floor.
    “You caught me when I was weak, little sister,” the words bubbled from her core, her voice low and throaty. “Next time, you wil lose.”
    She jetted out of the room, a little slower than the others had. I was tempted to zap her for cal ing m e little sister. I wasn’t one of them. My thoughts were cut short when Bran grabbed me and planted a quick kiss on my lips. When he leaned back, he wore his gorgeous smile.
    “That was amazing. Are you okay? No weakness?”
    My jealousy of Solange disappeared. “A little woozy, but the dagger wil fix that. She was strong.”
    “That’s because she’s an experienced fighter.” He bent down and lifted Gavyn in his arms. “I need to find him a healer quick.”
    I was dying to know about him and Solange, and what she meant by once Valafar found the List, Bran would have no choice but to join them. “Who?” Bran scowled as though not liking his thoughts. “The Brotherhood might help.”
    “With what?” Remy asked from the doorway as he and Sykes entered the room.
    “Gavyn’s energy was drained by a demon. If Bran doesn’t take him to Darius and the Brotherhood, he might not make it,” I explained.
    “He will make it.” Bran’s gaze connected with mine. “Thank you. I’l be back in the val ey later today.”
    I saw love and gratitude in his eyes, but I wanted answers. Every time he left, something always stopped him from coming back.
    “Why can’t we go with you?” I asked.
    “We have to take care of the people downstairs, Lil,” Remy reminded me. “Kim and Izzy are almost done with them.”
    I’ll be back. Love you. Bran’s gaze didn’t leave mine as he cradled his brother closer and teleported.
    Silence fol owed. There was real y nothing to say. There was no love lost between Gavyn and the Guardians. He despised us and our work. Gavyn, like other demons, believed humans should serve them, not the other way round. The only reason he stopped working for a dark lord was because of Celeste. Whether that was temporary or

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