Taken by the Greek Billionaire

Free Taken by the Greek Billionaire by Emma Shortt

Book: Taken by the Greek Billionaire by Emma Shortt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Shortt
Tags: Contemporary
I do myself if I am honest and yet
it seems the plan is already formed in my mind.”
    “I don’t understand what—”
    “You’re going to stay here,” he said. “You’ll tell me how exactly
you got around my security and I will fix those breaches, and then here you
will remain. What other choice is there? I can’t call the police, can’t let you
go. Who knows who else you’re planning to go off and rob? No it seems the only
option is to keep you here for now.”
    Here you will remain…. Penny shook her head, not quite getting what he was suggesting. She
eyed the money again and then him, wondering how it could all have gotten so
out of control so quickly. “What do you mean exactly by remain here?”
    “Until this madness has passed,” Demetrious said.
    He reached out and ran a finger from the money on the mattress up to
her lips. His thumb lightly brushed over the bruise before trailing along her
jaw. His touch was so soft, so careful that Penny felt her heart thump.  
    “You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?” he asked softly.
    “I’m not sure I do. Spell it out for me.”
    “Sex,” he said, drawing the word out and making her nerves sing.
    “Which we did plenty of.”
    “And which I want more of. So you have to stay here until I’ve
fucked you enough to get it out of my system. This is the madness I talk about,
this desire that you make me feel.”
    “You’re not serious?”
    He shrugged. “It seems that I am. I want you, Kleftisa . Badly. Why I do not know. I know only that I am going to have you—so I think it comes
down to two options. You can open your legs or you can go to prison. That seems
to be the best plan I have come up with.”

Chapter Twelve
    The moment the words left his lips, Sebastian wanted to take them
back. Had he really just said that? Practically threatened her with prison if
she didn’t continue to sleep with him? Yes,
you did. Fuck.
    But what else was there to do? He’d sat waiting whilst she used the
bathroom, wondering what the hell he was going to do about the situation.
Common sense had said take back his money and kick her out of his home with a
dire warning never to return. But common sense seemed to be in short supply,
and after the amazing sex of the night before all he could think was to find a
way to keep her with him until he could sate the desires plaguing him.
    The image of her bent over, rosy ass cheeks pert in front of him,
her legs—which seemed to stretch easily in any direction he moved them—wrapped
around his neck, her lips clenched around his cock-head, all those images
flashed through his brain and though he knew it was all wrong in so many ways
he wanted more. The plan formed before he could really think it through and now
there it was, laid out before them and Sebastian was not surprised to see her
eyes narrowing, filling with calculation. She did not seem shocked by his proposition.
If anything it was as though she half expected it.
    Again it was so fucking wrong! He was shocked, yet she wasn’t.  
    “I get to keep the two hundred grand?”
    “You want to keep the money you stole?”
    She shrugged. “That seems fair to me. If you’re going
to keep me here as your sex slave, then at least I should be compensated for
    “Sex slave?” He spluttered on the words, because that was so far
from what he meant. She wanted him, he knew she did. No woman could fake the
passion that had flared between them night before. Sebastian had fucked more
women than he could remember. He’d been wild in his youth. With all the money
going to his head and the women throwing themselves at him, of course he’d
taken advantage of the situation. Those times were long since past now, but he
knew enough about the female anatomy to know when it was real. And what had
passed between them last night was shockingly real. Sebastian wasn’t sure he’d
ever felt anything like it. It had been simply amazing and he had to

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