The Heart's Game (The Kelly Brothers, Book 4)
“Calm her down before the neighbors complain. I’m going to take a quick shower.”
    “So you’re still coming with us to Chinatown?” her brother asked.
    “Sure, as long as my slutty presence won’t disgrace the family.”
    “Mom will get over it.” He dropped his voice and added, “Besides, I want more details on this guy. I think he’s the first guy you’ve ever had over to stay the night.”
    “So? I’m allowed to enjoy a night of good sex, aren’t I?”
    Jason’s grin widened. “Just good?”
    She laughed. “Try mind blowing.”
    “I thought as much. And he’s cool with you being pregnant?”
    The happy glow faded. “Um, I haven’t told him about that yet.”
    “Well, you’re going to have to do it soon.”
    “I know, I know. Just give me some time to sound him out first.” And enjoy a few more nights in the sack with him before he runs away screaming. “I’ll be out in a few.”
    “I’ll take care of Mom.” Her brother crossed the room to their mother and began speaking in soothing tones.
    Jenny turned on the hot water and let the shower beat down on her knotted shoulders. The water streamed down her overly sensitive breasts and along her still-flat stomach to the pleasant ache that lingered between her thighs. She had enjoyed last night. Almost too much. It was going to make it that much harder to sit across from him today and pretend they were just friends.
    She just couldn’t risk losing her heart to him, though. It was just sex. Nothing more. After all, when he learned the truth, he’d want nothing more to do with her.

Chapter Seven
    Jenny opened her eyes and rolled over to the side of the bed Dan slept on just like she had every morning for the last three and a half weeks. The scent of his cologne lingered on his pillow. She hugged it and took in a deep breath through her nose, a flush washing over her body when she remembered the rough quickie they’d had this morning. She’d woken up just as he was getting out of the shower and pulled him back into bed for a round of fast, pounding, toe-curling sex before he left for the hospital.
    As she came to the end of her first trimester, her morning sickness was giving way to a severe case of morning horniness. Thankfully, Dan had been more than happy to oblige her demands. He’d slept over almost every night since she’d invited him over, and it was nights when he was on call that she missed him the most.
    She paused and loosened her hold on the pillow. Damn, she was getting used to him being in her bed. She enjoyed their conversations in the wee hours of the morning about the meaning of the Borg or how Peter Jackson had managed to ruin The Hobbit . She was getting spoiled by the great sex on demand. And she was running out of time. It wouldn’t take Dan long to realize that she hadn’t gotten her period since he’d started sleeping with her, and then she’d have to reveal the truth that would end the seemingly perfect arrangement.
    Of course, if she didn’t tell him soon, he’d find out on his own and probably be angry with her for deceiving him.
    It was a classic Kobayashi Maru situation—one she had no chance of winning. And unlike James T. Kirk, she had no idea how to cheat.
    The buzz of her alarm interrupted her thoughts, reminding her that her personal life would have to be placed on hold until she got home from work. She crawled out of bed, saw the dried blood along her inner thighs, and sank to her knees.
    Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
    Blood like that could only mean bad news when it came to the baby.
    She fumbled for the phone and dialed her OB’s office, only to get a recorded message telling her they were closed. She hung up and doubled over, paralyzed with fear, her heart pounding in her chest and making it nearly impossible for her to draw in a deep breath. Dan was a doctor. She could ask him what to do, but in doing so, she’d have to reveal she was pregnant. But none of that mattered to her anymore. The

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