PRIMAL Inception
reload his AK. He pushed off the floor dropping the gun.
    The man’s eyes were wide with terror but he managed to seat the magazine. As he cocked the AK, Ice charged forward, grabbed the barrel forcing it toward the ceiling with one hand. The other drew his pistol. Time seemed to slow as the Glock came up. When it was level with the thug’s face, he squeezed the trigger.
    The 9mm round punched a neat hole in the man’s forehead, blowing the insides across the wall. Ice felt nothing as he let the corpse drop to the ground.
    He moved to the window and spotted movement by the barn. Machine-gun fire shattered the glass as the gunmen in the barn unleashed on the house.
    Ice dove to the floor, grabbed the dead man’s AK and crawled across the broken glass back to the kitchen. Before he reached the back door, the house shook as an RPG hit it. He got up and bolted out the back door as the ceiling collapsed in a cloud of dust. Where the hell were Vance and the QRF?
    With the AK in his shoulder, he moved to the corner of the house and stuck his head around. He caught a glimpse of two gunmen, one lying behind a PKM , the other aiming an AK directly at him. He jerked back as the corner of the building exploded in a shower of stone shards. Bullets cracked through the air.
    Ice was vulnerable to an assault from either end and going back into the house wasn’t an option. His only hope was to make it across the open field to the tree line fifty yards away.
    A dull thudding of a heavy machine gun filled the air as he was about to sprint for the trees. He snapped his head around. He would recognize the sound of a Ma Deuce anywhere. Fishing the radio from his pocket, he twisted the volume nob and pressed the transmit button. “One-one, this is one-two.”
    “Where the hell are you?” It was Vance’s voice. The thud of the machine-gun was louder over the radio.
    “I’m at the house. Hostiles are around the barn.”
    “Roger, we’re taking rounds here. If you’d whistle up some flanking fire, that would be shit hot.”
    “Will do.” He crouched and peered around the corner again. The PKM gunner was firing bursts in the direction of the track. The second man shouldered an RPG. Ice lined up his sights and shot the RPG guy through the chest. The machine gunner didn’t realize until the dead body fell against him. He attempted to reposition the gun. Ice fired another well-aimed shot. The gunner’s head exploded.
    Ice watched the battle rapidly turn against the ambushers. Heavy fifty-caliber bullets smashed through the wooden barn and small arms fire peppered it. Gradually, the return fire became sporadic, then ceased.
    “One-two, you have friendlies moving to your location.”
    “Acknowledged.” He glanced back. Sure enough, after a few seconds, five camouflaged shapes appeared out of the woods and approached. Ice gave a thumbs-up and one of the soldiers grinned back at him.
    The five Norwegian FSK operators were camouflaged from head to toe. Even their G3 rifles were painted. Ice dropped back allowing one of them to take over his position at the corner of the building. He kneeled behind the last man and watched as they prepared to assault the barn.
    The team waited a few seconds until the heavy machine-gun cut out. Then they stepped off. They assaulted in a line, weapons covering any possible enemy position. When they reached the side of the barn they disappeared around the back.
    Shouts were followed by two rapid shots. A moment later, one of the FSK operators came out and gave a thumbs-up.
    Ice walked out and surveyed the battlefield. Down the road, past his shattered 4Runner, were a pair of G-Wagen gun buggies , the fire support element. The assaulters must have approached through the forest. A flash of white caught his eyes as a Land Cruiser powered up the track. It roared toward him and slid to a halt. Vance jumped out. “Shit got real, hey.”
    He could smell the reek of cordite on his partner’s clothing. His eyes

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