
Free Phoenix by Dawn Rae Miller

Book: Phoenix by Dawn Rae Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Rae Miller
food and our distractions? How is this wise?"
    I gnaw at my lip. She has a point. "No, the clubs and Opera can stay open, only they must serve simpler fare. Things they're eating in other parts of the Society – like soups."
    "This is your answer for dealing with the food shortages?" Daria snips. "Serve us soup?"  
    I struggle under the onslaught of negativity. My hands twitch, and I grit my teeth determined not to lose control. I don't want to rule by fear, and that is exactly what will happen if I lash out again. Lucky for Daria, Beck's emotions have steadied or else she would be facing a fate much like Sun-Wei's.  
    "No," I say slowly. Carefully, like I'm talking to children. I turn my hands over and place them in my lap. "I'm going to travel to Summer Hill and try to persuade the Light witches to return to the Ag Centers." This is my attempt to try to keep the meeting moving forward. "We have to feed our people, and by doing so, we'll cut off the Splinter groups main weapon against us – civil uprising."  
    "Shouldn't Beck accompany you , then?" Landon, Mother's old guard says. "After all, he's the Light witch." He nearly spits out the last words, reminding me that getting our two sides to work together is another of my challenges.  
    My eyes rest on Beck. Since the attack, there's something darker about him – his smile, while still bright, lacks the warmth it once held. And his once famous even temper seems more and more elusive. At the moment, he seems to have control over it. At least I hope he does. I'm teetering on the edge of control, and I don't need him pushing me over.  
    "Perhaps he can do both?" I know I should make it a statement, but the question sneaks into my voice. "We'll discuss the matter privately."
    Beck nods absentmindedly. His eyes are still fixed on the far side of the room.  
    I turn my attention to Annalise. "Finding Ryker is your number one priority." I lock my gaze on my sister-in-law. "Beck and I can take care of ourselves now that we know what we're up against."
    Annalise shakes her dark head. "Absolutely not. Your protection is my job-"
    "Then I fire you."
    Redness creeps into her milky white cheeks. "You can't. At least not without the Council and your advisors' permission."  
    You've got to be joking. Do I have any real power, or is it all a façade?
    "She's right, Lark," Beck says, having apparently found his voice. "We're both stronger, but we have no idea who is coming for us. Other than Eamon and a few others, we don't know who the Splinter group is. We need our guards. We have too many other things to worry about. Let Annalise do her job."
    I grind my teeth. The last thing I need is a dressing down in front of my subordinates. "Fine. But Annalise needs to locate Ryker."
    And if he's with the Splinter group, heaven help him.
    Are you threatening my best friend? Beck asks.  
    Stop being deso, Beck. He's an assassin. It's his job to kill people – people like me. Us. He's trained to kill people like us.
    "Meeting adjourned." With a flip of my hand, I storm out of the conference room, leaving a small fire burning on the table. Gasps follow me down the long hall toward my office. Good. Let them see I haven't completely lost my edge.
    Maybe I do want them to fear me.
    God, this is so hard. So much more difficult than Mother ever let on.
    But the truth is, if I want to be seen as a leader, I need to act like one. And I need those around me to treat me like one. Starting with Beck.  
    "Hey, Birdie, wait up."
    I spin on my heels, anger filling my heart. "Do not ever question me in public again. Do you understand?"
    His glance slides coolly over me, and my skin crawls. "Maybe you should try listening for once instead of demanding things."
    "Maybe you need to learn your place," I shout, not caring who hears us.
    "My place?" he retorts. "My place is as your equal. You yourself said so."
    My fingers tingle with magic, but I fight the urge to hurt him and shove my hands into the pockets

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