Private Message
I suck in a big breath of cool Seattle air and tell him the story. Sort of. I end with: "So she left so we could talk. That's all."
    His mouth has dropped open. "That's all? Are you sure?" He asks.
    "Uh... yeah." I am not going to tell him about the make-out session.
    "So, wait, you're seeing a guy who's a nude model?" He winces.
    I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Uh, yeah…"
    He throws his head back and laughs. "You really know how to pick 'em, Tess."
    "What the hell is that supposed to mean, James? I haven't even had a serious relationship with anyone, and you know that, of all people. Why I can't."
    He throws his hand up in surrender. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, but really, Tess, a model?"
    I roll my eyes. I know he didn't mean to come off as so judgmental. "No, he's not a model, he works at Tones , that killer music magazine that I am obsessed with. That's why he was there tonight; he must be interviewing one of the bands there for a feature."
    The look on his face tells me something just clicked. "Wait, Ben Mitchell?" he asks me.
    "Yeah, have you read his articles in the magazine?" I ask.
    He bobbles his head from shoulder to shoulder. "Yeah, that, and I have heard he has quite the reputation when it comes to women, Tess."
    "Look, I'm not asking your opinion about the guy, I can take care of myself."
    "I know you didn't ask for my opinion, sis, but you know I am always going to be defensive about you and anyone you might be seeing."
    I give him the tightest hug I could give. "I know and thank you, but please don't worry. If I have an issue with him or any other guy I will let you know so you can introduce your fist to their face, OK?"
    "You got it." He gives me a wicked grin.

    Who the hell was that guy with his arms around her sides tonight? Her boyfriend? She never mentioned anything about a boyfriend. Then again, I never did ask. She knows that I have a bad rep with the women at the bar, but fuck, I'm not seeing anyone. I haven't even slept with a girl since that night I first saw her. Granted I have had a lot of offers, I just don't want them.
    Just thinking about her with that guy pisses me off. She says she's a virgin, so maybe it wasn't her boyfriend. He didn't try to stop me when she was sticking her tongue down MY throat. Ugh, just thinking about that kiss is making me hard. Fuck, it feels like forever since I did anything with a woman. Since meeting Tess, I find myself taking a lot of cold showers and reuniting my hand to my own dick. What am I, back in high school?
    She told me to text her when I asked if I could call her, but I don't care. I need to talk to her. I need to hear her voice. It's been two hours since the show ended, so if that were her boyfriend, then maybe he would be gone by now…I hope.
    "Hello?" Her voice sounds sleepy.
    "So, how did you enjoy the show?"
    She lets out a soft yawn. How can a yawn sound so sexy? "I loved it. I love that band and being able to get up front was the most amazing thing ever."
    Ever? "So not even our little public display of affection could top that?" I tease.
    "Ha, I think it was a combination of both, actually." Her voice sounds a little more seductive now and I wish I were there. I picture her in a form-fitting tank top and panties on her bed.
    "What are you wearing?"
    She sighs. "Nothing special."
    "Oh, come on, anything you wear would be special on you."
    "My favorite T-shirt and boy shorts," she says, and my cock twitches.
    A low growl escapes me. "Nice." And as much as I don't want to bring it up, I have to ask her.
    "So, was that your boyfriend behind you tonight? If so how did he enjoy OUR little show?" OK, I know that sounded a little bitter, but I had to throw it out there.
    She snorts. I can't believe she actually snorts, and she doesn't even try to cover it up like most girls would. "No. That wasn't my boyfriend, Ben." Fuck, I love it when she says my name.
    "Well then I hope it was a gay best friend or something, because I

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