Fool for Love (High Rise)

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Book: Fool for Love (High Rise) by Harper Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Bliss
bra, reaffirming to Maddie she had come here for one thing only.


    Sweat prickled Alex's overheated skin and her clit was about to burst out of her undies. Maddie crouched half-naked in front of her, her breasts creamy-white and delicious, her panties looking about ready to be ripped off. For someone with such stamina, someone trained to perspire for hours, Alex had been reduced to a paralysed bundle of desire quite quickly—and efficiently. Alex liked a woman who knew what she was doing. A woman who teased her and took control in the bedroom. She suspected a high level of sexual compatibility between Maddie and her. Those bossy banker types were always the same, which is why Alex found them so hard to resist.
    Alex's breath quickened—nearly stopped in her throat—as Maddie trailed her fingers along the seam of her panties. Juices gathered where Maddie’s hands stalled, circling above the fabric. These panties would be ruined, but Alex couldn’t care less. She’d only bought them for tonight. She was more the comfortable boy shorts type, anyway.
    Maddie’s finger slipped under now, just one, exploring the wetness pooling between her legs. Alex dug her nails into the mattress, fearing she may not be able to stand this tension any longer. She was sure one expertly placed flick would be all it took. She was also sure Maddie would postpone that as long as possible.
    At last, Maddie tugged at the waistband of her panties. Alex pushed her bottom up to give Maddie better access—anything to speed up this sensually torturous process. And there she lay, all naked and on display for this woman who’d gotten her into this blissful state. Panting. Ready. Limp and damp.
    Alex hoped Maddie would remove her own underwear as well. She didn’t have it in her to reach over and take them off. Gravity seemed to work against her. And lust. She was floored by lust. Floored by the desire to have Maddie inside of her. Not long now. That recurring dream was about to come true.
    Maddie didn’t slip out of her undies, instead she poured her body over Alex's useless limbs. Their nipples met and fire soared through Alex's flesh. Maddie’s knee rested inches from her throbbing clit.
    They lost themselves in a passionate kiss, tongues probing and exploring, skating over lips. Maddie’s knee was on her now, pushing into her and Alex couldn’t help but rub herself against it. Sparks rushed up her spine as she felt her dampness spread on Maddie’s skin.
    Maddie shifted her body weight to one side, resting on her left elbow, and releasing the pressure her knee was applying. Her mouth was drawn into a confident smirk—one that said, I’ll fuck you now .
    With her gaze firmly pinned on Alex, Maddie brought two fingers two Alex's mouth. Instinctively, Alex parted her lips and let them slip in. She licked Maddie’s fingers while drowning in the light grey of her eyes, more juices leaking from her aching pussy as a result. As far as foreplay went, she was done.  
    As soon as Maddie retracted her fingers, Alex swallowed and said, “Fuck me now. Please.” Her eyes pleading, her body trembling.
    Maddie responded by narrowing her eyes and broadening the smirk on her face. She traced her wet fingers over Alex's nipple on their way down, slip-sliding them over her belly.
    Alex spread her legs wider in anticipation. With the back of her hand, Maddie stroked her pubes and dipped lower, not really touching her nether lips yet, just brushing them. Alex's body reacted nonetheless, her muscles flexing and her breath hitching in her throat.
    Maddie’s eyes were still pinned on her, reading her, scanning her face. Alex had trouble keeping her eyes open—lust tugging her eyelids shut—but she kept her gaze on Maddie, not wanting to miss any emotion displayed on her face.
    Then, there it was. A finger gliding along her lips, sailing through her wetness. Tentative at first, as if wanting to acquaint itself, but then, suddenly, it was inside. Alex

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