Fool for Love (High Rise)

Free Fool for Love (High Rise) by Harper Bliss

Book: Fool for Love (High Rise) by Harper Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Bliss
top and slid a finger under. Rock hard abs responded to her touch. They both inhaled sharply, craving more oxygen to process this desire.
    “Take it off.” Alex's voice came out in stutters. Even saying only three words seemed too much. Maddie feared she’d lost the ability to speak altogether the moment she’d laid hands on Alex's belly.
    Slowly, she eased Alex's tank top up, revealing her copper-skinned abdomen inch by inch. Maddie felt heat pool in her core. And she hadn’t gotten to the best bit yet. Her hands arrived at Alex's bra, which, much to her surprise, was a sexy number in black lace—in all honesty, Maddie had expected a sports bra. Clearly, Alex had dressed for the occasion.
    Alex lifted her arms and Maddie pulled the tank top over her head. Alex in a tank top had always been a glorious sight, but Alex in a black lace bra was a whole new story. Just like her eyes, the black of the fabric contrasted with the ochre colour of her skin. For once, Maddie was happy to admit she was suffering from a serious case of yellow fever.
    Alex reached for Maddie. She didn’t practice the same amount of patience and tugged feverishly at the buttons of her blouse. Maddie put her hands on Alex's to steady her grip. Together, they undid her blouse until it slid to the floor where it crumpled into a white silk puddle.
    Maddie took the lead and edged another step closer to the bed. Alex followed swiftly and Maddie eased her down. She lowered herself onto the bed and slid next to Alex. Their bra-clad breasts touched as Maddie pressed her body against Alex's and their lips found each other again.
    Maddie fondled the cup of Alex's bra. It wasn’t enough. She curled a finger underneath and found Alex's nipple. It stood tall and crunched upwards at her touch. She pulled down the cup, exposing Alex’s nipple. Eager to taste the perky, dark bud, Maddie tore her mouth away from Alex's lips.
    Alex groaned as Maddie’s tongue made contact. A sound so guttural it connected with Maddie’s pussy instantly, releasing a fresh wave of heat to rush through her. Maddie pushed herself up to free Alex's other nipple, baring it so she could taste it on her hungry lips.
    “Jesus,” Alex sighed, her fingers laced through Maddie’s hair, her head thrown back into the pillows.
    Maddie sucked and nibbled on Alex's nipples, and, before heading south, grazed them with her teeth, which coaxed an even louder moan from Alex's mouth.
    Tracing a moist path with her lips to Alex's belly button, Maddie slipped her fingers under the waistband of Alex's jeans. Alex's body tensed at her touch there. She reacted by pushing her pelvis upwards.
    Exercising a restraint she normally wouldn’t bother with—when you’re fucking someone in your office, speed is always of the essence—she only undid Alex's button and left the zipper nicely done up. It was enough to give her lips and tongue access to Alex's lower abdomen, that delicious part of her body gradually disappearing into her underwear.
    “You’re driving me insane.” Alex shoved Maddie’s head down, as if that would make her put her tongue where it mattered sooner. Instead, Maddie let a finger slip in between Alex's legs. Even through the thick fabric of her jeans, she could feel a warm glow. It was practically a crime against humanity to not set her free from these trousers.
    “I’ve only just started.” Maddie sat up and locked eyes with Alex. She brought her hands behind her back and unclasped her bra. She waited a few seconds before lowering it off her body, three seconds in which she drove Alex a little bit crazier. She lay there panting, her lips parted and her eyes glinting with hunger, incapacitated. Quickly, Maddie removed her own pants, leaving her underwear, before going to work on Alex.
    As slow as she could muster, Maddie unzipped Alex's jeans. Gradually pushing them over her hipbones and revealing Alex's toned legs. Alex's underwear matched the black lace of her already discarded

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