Red-Line: The Shift (Volume One)
home with her usual athletic grace. Her elegance and style were unmatched by most women her age. Her silver-white hair was swept up into a smooth chignon, and she wore black satin pants with a matching jacket. Her striking gray eyes missed nothing as she moved. She was tall and carried her height gracefully. It had served her well in her position as a councilor these past many years. She was a well-respected member of the Community. Her counsel had always been sought and heeded by her peers and, usually, her subordinates. There were always exceptions to the rules, though, as she thought about her latest endeavor.
    She walked through the high-ceilinged foyer of her home and into her office. She passed a dark-paneled wall of books, approached her large oak desk, and sat down. She ignored the pile of work waiting to be reviewed. She regarded the view outside her window instead, recalling her latest confrontation with John Ramsey.
    It had been unpleasant, as usual. She knew that her position would always carry with it the need to be a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense lady. People either loved or hated her, and most often it was the latter. She accepted it, though, as all do in positions of high authority. She had been rough with Ramsey from the start, and he resented her for it. She knew it. But beneath all their past conflicts, difficult encounters, and angry disagreements, they respected each other. Without that respect, there was no way they would still be working together. It was one of the reasons she’d chosen him for this job. It had not been a popular decision with the others, but she had refused to yield. She knew it had to be him, and she knew why. Using her considerable influence, she’d called in a few favors, and had made it happen. Now, as she sat at her desk and looked out over the small pond in her side yard, she pondered her decision and the ramifications of it.
    Her valet appeared at the door, interrupting her thoughts. “May I get you something, madam? Glass of port, perhaps?”
    Morgana looked up. “That’s an absolutely divine idea, Ronald. Thank you.”
    “Straight away, madam.” The occupied doorway became empty again.
    Morgana returned to her thoughts. There was so much at stake here. Had she made the right choice in not revealing to Ramsey all that she knew? At the time, she had believed that it was, but now, she couldn’t help but reconsider. One of her most valuable traits was her decisiveness. Once she made a choice, she never looked back. She hoped this trait served her well now and that she would not live to regret it. The future of their people depended on it. She sighed as she sat back farther in her chair and looked out her window, seeing nothing.
    “WE’RE NOT COMPLETELY in the dark,” said Leroy.
    “How do you mean?” asked Ramsey. The two continued to sit at the kitchen table in the secluded house. By now, Ramsey had helped himself to his own cup of coffee.
    “The man who tried to take her. Describe him.”
    Ramsey reflected for a moment. “Elderly. Looked to be around seventyish, graying hair, gray beard, thin, strong…” He paused for a moment, thinking.
    “What is it?” asked Leroy.
    “Very strong. Hell, I’m an idiot. He used heat on her….” He paused again. His eyebrows furrowed.
    “What? He used heat on her?” Leroy asked.
    “Yes, to subdue her.”
    They both paused, realizing the implications.
    “He’s one of us?” asked Leroy.
    “He’s one of us,” confirmed Ramsey.
    As members of the Eudoran community living on Earth, both Ramsey and Leroy enjoyed the basic abilities of heightened sensitivities, advanced intelligence, an instinctual need to protect their species, and an overall desire for peaceful coexistence. But there were others with more developed skills and training, whose tasks involved ensuring that any potential threats to their people were handled as efficiently and easily as possible. Although Eudorans disliked

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