Fool for Love (High Rise)

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Book: Fool for Love (High Rise) by Harper Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Bliss
gripped the sheets between her fingers and buried her toes in the mattress. It was just one finger, but it was almost too much.
    “Oh,” she moaned, and in between the fluttering of her lashes, she witnessed how Maddie’s smirk shifted from confident to sentimental, from wide to narrow. Maddie added another finger and started moving inside of her, fucking her. Stars started exploding on the back of Alex's half-closed eyelids. She wouldn’t last long. She already felt it build in her belly. That fire. The big swell of a wave. Tingling through her, sparking colours in front of her eyes.
    Maddie owned her in that moment, she had her. Alex didn’t give herself that easily, but she had done it now. Beyond the point of no return.
    “You’re so gorgeous.” Maddie’s voice was close when she said it. Her lips grazing Alex's ear. “I’m going to fuck you all night long.”
    Alex could only whimper, and tremble at Maddie’s fingertips. And surrender. And agree. The fire intensified, picking up speed as it spread through her muscles. Alex pushed her groin into Maddie’s fingers, wanting more—all—of her.
    Maddie’s face wasn’t close to hers anymore when Alex opened her eyes next. It hovered over her hand, the one she was using to fuck Alex. Maddie’s tongue brushed her clit, the roaring centre of the fire swirling over her body, back and forth. She flicked once, and the wave started crashing into Alex. Seizing her. Dipping her under. Another flick and the wave took her. Everything collapsed in her brain and in her belly and in her cunt. One more flick and Alex was done. Spent. The stars falling from the black sky on her eyelids. The walls of her pussy contracting around Maddie’s fingers, as if wanting to keep them there forever. The tingles in her belly erupting into a symphony of fireworks.
    “Oh god,” Alex screamed. “Oh my g—” The words froze in her throat as another wave rose and engulfed her. Maddie kept fucking her, spreading her fingers inside of her, wanting to claim the last bit of her. This one was different, calmer and easier to enjoy. Not that avalanche of emotion and cramped muscles crushing her like before. Alex rode it out, on Maddie’s able fingers, until she collapsed on the bed, her body spent and her mind empty.


    Maddie let Alex pull her close, let her nuzzle her neck and bury her nose in her tousled hair. Alex's biceps twitched their way through aftershock as they locked around Maddie’s neck.
    After a few seconds of hard hugging, the kind expressing much more than words, Maddie freed herself from Alex's strong arms. She needed to see her face, scan her eyes for signs of satisfaction. Maddie wasn’t expecting tears.
    “Are you all right?” With her thumb, she brushed away a teardrop lingering on Alex's majestic cheekbone.
    “Perfectly.” Alex shot her a joyous smile. “This is why I don’t do one-night-stands. Too embarrassing.”
    “And here I was thinking it was your virtuous nature.” Maddie leaned down and pecked Alex on the nose. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
    “Come here.” Alex drew her in for a deep kiss, her tongue probing more aggressively this time, as if liberated from first-time inhibitions. She bent her leg and pushed her knee against Maddie’s groin. The instant Maddie’s clit—still chastely covered by dampening panties—connected she was reminded of the pent-up tension strumming in her veins.
    Maddie tried to steady her breath while Alex pushed herself up and toppled Maddie off of her.
    “I’m starving.” She looked down at Maddie, her defined shoulders glistening with tiny drops of sweat. “Someone made me miss dinner.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.  
    “The all-night buffet has been declared open.”
    “At last.” Alex leaned in for one more kiss, before moving her lips down. First stop, Maddie’s breasts. Her nipples pierced the air. Alex kissed them gently, licking them to peaks, twirling her tongue around them before

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