Web of Deceit

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Book: Web of Deceit by Katherine Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Howell
Tags: australia
family, and nobody suffersalone. He said he once took an overdose of sleeping tablets, but that was before we met, and he woke up a day and a half later covered in his own mess. He said that before he started the medication he’d thought that maybe we’d both be better off if he was dead, but that he was afraid of pain and couldn’t think how to do it, seeing as an overdose wasn’t going to work. I made him promise that he wouldtell me if he was ever thinking about it again. He said he would. But since we found out about the baby, he’s been completely thrilled. When we were at the twelve-week scan he said he couldn’t believe he’d ever thought about killing himself, that he would’ve missed out on this, and how terrible that would’ve been.’
    Audra burst into sobs and rushed from the room.
    Chloe stared afterher, then checked the clock again. ‘He’ll be here any second, I promise.’
    Ella looked at Murray, feeling weak and useless and sick at heart. They were going to have to take Chloe to the morgue and let her see Marko’s body for herself.
    On the drive to Glebe Morgue, Chloe cradled her belly and sang under her breath. ‘ Hush, little baby, don’t you cry. ’ Ella saw in the rear-viewthat Audra sat with her head against the other door, wiping away tears and occasionally reaching out a hand that Chloe didn’t take. The headlights of the oncoming traffic glared, and the car felt cramped and stuffy. Ella swallowed and reached for the aircon switch.
    ‘ Daddy’s going to sing you a lullaby. ’
    Murray looked stiff and awkward in the passenger seat, and they exchanged a miserablelook. They’d updated Langley, who’d grumbled but was checking into Fletcher.
    ‘ Hush, little baby, don’t you cry .’
    Ella parked in the dark, quiet street at the back of the morgue and turned off the engine. They got out and crossed the footpath. Ella pressed the buzzer by the morgue door and a friendly faced young man in scrubs opened it.
    ‘We need to see a body,’ she said in a lowvoice. ‘Meixner?’
    He nodded. ‘Come in. I’ll get things ready.’
    They went in and waited under humming fluorescent lights.
    ‘ Daddy loves you and so do I. ’
    Audra tugged Chloe’s jacket tighter around her, but couldn’t button it over her belly. Chloe pulled the jacket open again and smoothed her hands over her shirt.
    ‘Chloe, honey,’ Audra said. ‘You know that Marko’s notwith Henry.’
    ‘He is.’
    ‘Then why hasn’t he called you back?’
    ‘Maybe they’ve gone to the pub. Pubs are noisy.’
    ‘He doesn’t go to pubs. You know that better than anyone.’
    ‘They’re stuck in traffic. There’s been an accident and he’s helping. He likes to help people.’
    ‘Clo, look at me.’
    ‘His phone’s flat. He’ll call when he can.’
    ‘I’m trying to help you.You need to understand. Prepare yourself.’
    ‘ Daddy’s going to sing you a lullaby .’
    Audra turned to the wall in tears. Murray was staring at the fire exit map. Ella gazed at the floor, her heart aching.
    The man returned. ‘Follow me, please.’
    They went in pairs down the corridor behind him. Audra tried to take Chloe’s arm but she pulled away.
    ‘ Hush, little baby ,’ Chloewhispered. ‘Daddy’s stuck in traffic.’
    Ella couldn’t count how many times she’d done this, how many backs she’d stared at, how many times she’d held strangers while they wept. Hearing Chloe sing to the baby like this, though, put tonight in a whole different realm. She rubbed the unhappy goose bumps on her arms. Murray glanced over and gave her a tiny smile, as if he knew what she was feelingand was feeling it too.
    They stopped at a curtained window. Audra pulled Chloe close, wrapping both arms around her. Chloe kept her face out of the hug and turned to the glass. The staffer disappeared into the room and Ella heard the click of the door closing, then the scrape of the curtain sliding back. Marko lay on a trolley with a sheet pulled up

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