Dealing with the Past

Free Dealing with the Past by Toni Griffin

Book: Dealing with the Past by Toni Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toni Griffin
Tags: gay paranormal erotic romance
Aiden and hugged him back. "I love you. Thank you for looking out for me, but—"
    "No buts," Sammy interrupted.
    "Maybe you could lay off a little, huh?" Aiden asked, not swayed in the least by the expression currently on his friend's face. "We were kids, Sammy, and what happened is between Jackson and myself."
    Aiden looked over at Jackson who stood alone at the edge of the couch with a pinched expression on his face. He thought he saw what looked like pain and guilt in Jackson's features as their eyes locked. Aiden smiled tentatively at Jackson and the change was instantaneous. It was like watching the sun come out. Jackson's eyes lit right up and he grinned.
    Sammy punched him in the arm. "No," the man said adamantly. Aiden thought he heard a low growl coming from Jackson's direction but decided he must have been hearing things.
    "No what?" Aiden asked confused, rubbing his arm where Sammy's fist had made contact. That had hurt, damn it.
    "You know what." Sammy's eyes kept bouncing back and forth between Aiden and Jackson. Aiden had a very good feeling he knew exactly what his friend was talking about but he wasn't about to acknowledge as much.
    "Thanks for coming. I'll call you later," he said instead, ushering Sammy and Craig towards the door.
    "That means you, too," Sammy called over his shoulder. Aiden heard the click clack of Jackson's footy boots on his tiles as the man walked towards them.
    Aiden stilled when a warm hand was placed on the small of his back. "I'll call you later, okay?" Jackson's deep voice breathed in his ear. Aiden held back a shiver by the skin of his teeth. He nodded to Jackson.
    "Samuel, it was interesting meeting you. Aiden is lucky to have such a protective friend. Even if it isn't needed." Jackson held out his hand and waited for Sammy to shake it. It took a nudge from Craig to make him reach out and grab Jackson's hand in return. His friend looked like he'd just swallowed a bug and Aiden bit back the laugh he wanted desperately to let loose. He didn't think it would be appreciated.
    Amidst much grumbling and complaining, Craig finally managed to drag Sammy away. Jackson followed, bidding goodbye. Once everyone left, Aiden turned to survey the damage to his living room.
    Sighing heavily, Aiden got to work cleaning up all the smashed glass, first with a broom and then with a vacuum cleaner. He called a twenty-four hour glass repair company and explained his problem. They told him someone would be there within the hour.
    Aiden collapsed back on his couch to wait and thought over the events of the last few days. When in the world had his boring life gotten so exciting and why would someone warn him off raising Brendan? The man had been just as quiet as Aiden. He racked his brain for an explanation but couldn't come up with one.

Chapter 8
    Jackson pulled out his phone and pressed the button to call Aiden, he couldn't wait any longer to talk to his mate. It had taken all his willpower to walk out of Aiden's unit earlier that day after someone had threatened him. Jackson's insides were in a knot over what had happened to Aiden. He wanted to be able to take the other man into his arms and reassure him that they would figure out who was behind the threats and why. But he was unable to do that and instead was forced to leave his mate.
    He moved the phone to his ear and listened to it ring on the other end. After what seemed like forever, the call was finally connected.
    "Hello," Aiden said somewhat breathlessly.
    "Is everything okay? You seem a little puffed." Jackson asked, concerned.
    "Hey, Jackson, everything's fine. You just caught me in the shower, that's all. I rushed to answer the call." Jackson groaned as suddenly he was swamped with images of his very naked mate standing in a shower, hot water cascading over his sexy body. "Jackson, you still there?" Aiden asked, sounding confused.
    "Yeah, I'm still here, just enjoying my mental images, that's all," he said somewhat huskily.

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