Sin City Uniform 01 - All Fired Up

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Book: Sin City Uniform 01 - All Fired Up by Morticia Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morticia Knight
in the crook of his neck.
    Yes. Sucked him to sleep.

Chapter Four

    Floating. It didn’t make sense because he was in the desert, surrounded by multi- colored rock vistas, scrub trees and cacti. It was so magnificent, more incredible than anything he’d ever seen. But he continued to float all around the spectacular sights. He wanted to take pictures, to capture the memories forever, but Trent was calling. And he wanted Trent more, because somehow he understood that Trent had given it all to him.
    “It’s almost six o’clock. I can throw a couple tuna steaks or some chicken on the grill if you’d like.”
    He was in Trent’s arms. In his bed.
    Fuck yeah.
    One corner of Trent’s lips curled up. “Did you hear me, sleepyhead?”
    Shawn grunted, rubbing his eyes with one hand “Yes.” He yawned. “Here, let me throw something on and I’ll come help you.”
    He was already in motion, trying to roll away to launch himself from the bed, but Trent yanked him back.
    “This first.”
    Before he knew what had happened, he was wrapped up in Trent’s arms again, and Trent was pushing his tongue into Shawn’s mouth. Shawn’s dick hardened and his stomach rumbled simultaneously. Trent chuckled into the kiss, then let go.
    “I know, me too.”
    Shawn wasn’t sure if he’d meant that he was hungry or horny. But once Trent stood from the bed, he could see that horny was most certainly a big part of it.
    Really big. Damn.
    His own full erection was obviously of interest to Trent as well, since he openly stared at him. He wasn’t particularly shy, but being around Trent gave him a sensation of vulnerability he’d never experienced before. Strangely, he liked it. He’d fought that feeling ever since his early days of being picked on by his brother and his brother’s asshole friends.
    Being vulnerable in any way was not an option once he’d joined the force in Los Angeles. But it was different with Trent. It seemed right.
    “Come on.”
    Trent had finally torn his eyes from him and jerked his head in the direction of the bathroom.
    “I need a quick shower.”
    Chuckling Shawn remembered their recent encounter, running his hands across his stomach. It had been like Trent had marked him in his own way.
    “I definitely need one.”
    Shawn glanced down in dismay at his dusty, dirty shorts. He’d brought an extra tee and some boxers, but hadn’t thought to bring any jeans or anything else.
    It was clear Trent had picked up on his quandary, as he’d headed to his dresser. He pulled a pair of black gym shorts from one of the top drawers.
    “Here. These have a drawstring, so you can tighten them up if you need to.”
    Shawn snorted. “Oh, I’ll need to.”
    “I’ll go first.”
    He must have had a telling expression on his face, because Trent came over, grabbed his hand, and clamped his mouth on his for a quick, but claiming kiss. Once he let go, he looked intently into his eyes.
    “We’ll never make it to dinner otherwise.”
    Shawn admired the view as Trent ambled into the bathroom. He thought about at least ogling him while he washed up, but realized that what Trent had said about them becoming too distracted was probably true. Instead, he contented himself with reclining against the headboard of the bed. As he idly daydreamed, his mind wandered to the exquisite interlude they’d shared earlier. He surrendered to the fact that he was going to be hard no matter what he did.
    After Trent exited the shower, he left the water running, calling out to him.
    “Take your time. I’ll get the grill started.”
    Shawn pushed himself up from the bed for his turn. Trent approached him, gloriously naked, semi-erect dick bobbing. Shawn tracked the droplets of water trailing down Trent’s sculpted body, watching as they crossed the lines where the brown skin abruptly changed to white. Trent grabbed the back of his head, skimming his lips back and forth across Shawn’s before finishing with a light peck.

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