Love Forever After (Candle Light Series)

Free Love Forever After (Candle Light Series) by Christina Ow

Book: Love Forever After (Candle Light Series) by Christina Ow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Ow
closets searching for her. I ignored the fact that my actions were useless but I needed to do something to get her back. She still had to be here, she couldn’t have left me. Maybe she was just having a tantrum over the baby issue and she was hiding somewhere.
    When I couldn’t find her in the apartment, I ran out to the hall way. She wasn’t there. She wasn’t that fast, she couldn’t have gotten that far. I waited for the elevator but it was taking to long to get to my floor so I took the stairs. I ran flying over as many steps as I possibly could. I got downstairs and searched the lobby. She wasn’t there. I ran to the door and looked out at the streets hoping to spot her.
    “Sir, are you looking for someone?” The door man asked me.
    “Yes my wife.” I spoke fast, frantic unconscious of what I was saying.
    “Sir, your wife died five months ago,” he spoke softly.
    “I know that but she’s... she’s still...” I felt like I was loosing my mind. I ran back into the building and up the flight of stairs to my apartment.
    I felt like I was suffocating. I grabbed my neck and scratched at it, trying to open a new air way. My mind was blank but yet full with the new realisation that I would never see her again. She was never going to come back, she didn’t have a reason to- that was what she said.
    I tried to control my breathing so that I could concentrate enough to stop this nightmare from recurring. She needed a reason to stay, a good enough reason not to leave me. I could have the baby, but that wouldn’t be enough. She would only stay a while then leave again. I needed a reason, one she would have no other choice but to come back.
    I walked to the kitchen and picked up a knife. She needed incentive to come back to me, I’ll give her one.
    I rolled my left sleeve up over my elbow. I wasn’t sure what I was doing but I knew it would work. I stabbed my wrist, and then slowly pulled the knife, extending the cut to my elbow. I dropped the knife and watched the blood gash out.
    I sat down on the floor and waited for Kristy. If this didn’t bring her back then it will at least take me to her. I sat there and waited, counting each second as it ticked by. I felt weak. A fog was creeping over my eyes. A cool chill out of nowhere made me shiver as the cold ran all over me. I shook my head a few times to keep my head clear. I wanted to be awake when Kristy came back, how else would I know when to stop the bleeding? Or she could always wake me.
    I lay down on the floor on my side, over my bleeding arm, letting the fatigue take over me. I closed my eyes, hoping to dream of Kristy and the beautiful little girl we could have had together.
    I was going to sleep, just until Kristy comes back and wakes me up.
    I woke up feeling groggy with an annoying ticking sound in my ear. I looked around wondering where I was and why Kristy hadn’t woken me up. I was in bed and had several wires attached to me and two tubes, one in each arm.
    Where was I?
    I lifted my head off the pillow but put it back down when a dizzy spell hit me. I covered my eyes with my hand and waited for the room to steady.
    “Will, how are you feeling?” Sandra’s voice sounded worried. She pulled my hand away from my eyes. I stared at her, her eyes were red and her face reflected the worry in her voice.
    “I’m fine,” I answered her with a smile.
    “You shouldn’t have said that.” I turned to see Morris, his lips pressed in a tight hard smile. I was about to ask him why when I felt a hard painful blow to my belly that knocked the wind out of me. “That’s why.”
    “What the hell is wrong with you?” Sandra yelled. I pressed my hand on my belly rubbing at the spot. I looked at her stunned; I’d never known her to be a violent person.
      “They have hospital rules against attacking patients.” I said which only provoked another punch. “Sandra how about we talk about it?” I held my other hand over the fresh spot.
    “Why did you try

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