VITTORIO'S MISTRESS (The Vittorio Series)

Free VITTORIO'S MISTRESS (The Vittorio Series) by Kimberley Reeves

Book: VITTORIO'S MISTRESS (The Vittorio Series) by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
the moist spot between her thighs.   “Come for me,” he said gruffly, then smiled with deep satisfaction when Paige’s body began to convulse.
    She had no will of her own, no defense against the waves of pleasure that were turning her into a quivering mass of flesh.   Paige buried her face in his neck and held on for dear life as his skillful fingers triggered one explosive climax after another until he’d wrung every last ounce of moisture from her body.   At least that’s what Paige thought, but she hadn’t considered what having him inside of her would do.
    Vaguely her mind registered that his hands had moved to her bottom and he was lifting her up, spreading her legs so that she could wrap them around his hips.   But even then she didn’t realize he’d unzipped his jeans and shoved them down until she felt his probing heat against her opening.  
    Dante thrust into her, hard and deep, filling her so completely she cried out from the sheer pleasure of it.   Over and over he impaled her, each penetrating stroke taking her higher and higher until she exploded, her mind and body shattering into a million pieces as she slowly tumbled back to earth.
    Dante’s own climax was as powerful as hers, his heavy thrusts ending in one long shudder as Paige’s inner muscles clenched around him and bathed his rigid flesh in her liquid heat.   He held himself inside her for several minutes as he attempted to drag air into his lungs and willed the pounding of his heart to slow down.
    He hadn’t meant for this happen, though he’d be lying if he said he regretted it.   Maybe now that he’d taken the edge off the God awful ache he always carried around inside for her, he’d be able to control himself while he followed through with his plan.
    Dante let her legs slide slowly to the ground.   When he was certain she could stand on her own, he yanked his jeans up and zipped the fly then gently pulled her robe back over her nakedness and cinched the silk tie around her slender waist.   Her breathing had evened out, and though he couldn’t see anything but the faint outline of her face, Dante knew she was still in a bit of a daze.  
    He wanted to take her back in his arms and kiss her but not in the same fierce manner he’d delivered them only moments ago.   He wanted to show Paige the tender side of love making with kisses that were soft and giving, not rough and demanding.   But he couldn’t afford to show any weakness, not until he had her where he wanted her.   It took nerves of steel to keep the gentleness from his voice but somehow he managed to sound cold and indifferent when he finally spoke.
    “We need to talk, but tomorrow will be soon enough.”  
    Dante crossed the porch to the place he’d been standing in when Paige came outside and retrieved the manila envelope he’d left sitting on one of the wicker chairs.   It hadn’t taken him more than few seconds to get the envelope and turn back around but in that short period of time Paige had managed to get to the door and was trying to scramble through it before he could get to her.   In three long strides he was at the door and just barely had time to stop it from closing by heaving his shoulder against the wood.  
    Dante didn’t realize how hard he’d shoved back or maybe in her shaken state, Paige simply didn’t have the strength she normally would have.   To his immense horror, the door struck her hard enough to send her flying back several feet where she hit the foyer wall with a loud thud before slithering to the floor.   Dante’s heart leapt to his throat as he rushed across the small entranceway and scooped her up in his arms.
    Paige pummeled her balled up fists against his chest, for all the good it did.   “Put me down,” she cried, “haven’t you done enough damage for one night?”
    Dante kept a firm grip despite her flailing arms and legs.   “ Dio , I did not mean to hurt you!”   He hugged her to him, pressing his cheek to

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